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Call me crazy

But I consider myself to be one of those who subscribes to the belief that their views and opinions are just as valuable as the views and opinions of media professionals who have the benefit of editors, producers, fact checkers and years of experience.

4 Responses to “Call me crazy”

  1. alan Says:

    Every article I’ve ever read that covered an event I also attended or a topic I’m familiar with had at least one material fact wrong (frequently more than one). I have to assume ALL the articles suffer the same defects.

    To try to claim that these journalists are somehow superior to anyone off the street is laughable.

  2. Monty Says:

    I think your opinions are much more valuable if you don’t need to rely on your authority (whether academic, ‘media professional’ or some other credential). If you make a compelling case, does it matter if your a nobel prize winner or an anon commenter?

  3. Mikee Says:

    Joe Friday said it best: “Just the facts, ma’am.”

  4. Huck Says:

    “media professionals who have the benefit of editors, producers, fact checkers and years of experience.”

    Professionals? Excuse me, but parroting the leftist line is NOT professionalism. And if they have “fact checkers” they damn sure dont use them. But they do have “years of experience”, in intentionally misleading the public.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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