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Hygiene Product Endorsements

Quoting Penn Jillette twice reminded me.

On travel, I left my beloved Gillette Fusion at the room. Oops. I replaced it with the Gillette Fusion Power. I wouldn’t have imagined that its “soothing micropulses” would have made a bit of difference. But, surprisingly, they do. Glide is improved.

Next, the Colgate 360 toothbrush with tongue/cheek/gum cleaner. It is awesome. I don’t know that my mouth felt cleaner after brushing. The cheek/tongue cleaner thing is awesome.

14 Responses to “Hygiene Product Endorsements”

  1. Jake Says:

    I can’t use those multi-blade razors. Anything more than a single blade and I bleed copiously from multiple locations.

    I use an old fashioned double-edge safety razor (this one, in fact) that I found at an antique shop for $10, and order blades (Derby) online. At $15 for 100 blades, you can’t beat the price, and it shaves better than anything but my straight razor.

    Wet-shaving is far superior to using the canned goop, anyway.

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    I find the closely set-together micro blades more effective than the vibrator, but it adds a bit – bit my beard isn’t very thick. I have a couple of those I got at Costco while mainly buying blades (came in the pack).
    I started-out thinking I would be cool-as-college and use an old fashion un-safe razor exactly like my Dad’s, that Jake linked, it was and I nearly cut my freaking head off in six different places and my ears too. Different strokes I guess. 🙂

  3. Jake Says:

    Rule 1: Everybody’s beard is different.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    Jake, you’re a braver man than me, and probably thicker skinned!!

  5. ericire12 Says:

    They have a new fusion that just came out, Uncle.

    Also, If you dry your razor after each use (shake it off and lightly run a towel over blades) it will last up to 6 months. Its the rust from the water that makes it dull, not the actual shaving.

    Once I found out about this I was able to use a fusion razor for 4 months… going on 2 months for my current blade…. and all this with someone who has a heavy beard

  6. George Says:

    Some years back (70s?) I remember reading in either Shooting Times or Guns & Ammo a list of corporations that contribute to anti-gun causes. GILLETTE was one of them. I have used Schick ever since.

  7. Drake Says:

    The new toothbrush is tits. I concur.

  8. Weer'd Beard Says:

    What are these “Razors” you people are talking about?

    My wife has one made by Motorola, if that’s what you’re talking about, but I prefer smart phones to flip phones…

  9. Diomed Says:

    Remington beard trimmer here. Set to “close stubble”. Twice weekly.

    Embrace the scruff, men!

  10. Jerry Says:

    I found some stuff at the local ‘only a buck’ store that is just amazing. I have been scraping the hair and skin from my face for more than thirty years. I’ve tried everything, soap to sunburn potions(with aloe). For me, it is. It’s labeled Shave Gel for Men, in a fat, blue, tube, on the soap isle. I now have five tubes, and the first one is still half full.

  11. Rabbit Says:

    After reading something Phelps wrote on this topic back around November, I quit using a Mach 3 Turbo and bought a Merkur double-edge with the jumbo assortment pack of blades from WCS.

    So far, my favorite blades are the Israeli red box and the Feather, from Japan. As far as lube, right now I’m using either the D.R. Harris bowl soap with a brush or C.O. Bigelow cream from Bath and Body Works. Both are exceptional. My beard is heavy and thick but these combinations almost completely eliminate nicks because you don’t need nearly as much pressure to get a close shave.

  12. Chris Says:

    Just got a free Gillette fusion proGlide… man that thing shaves smooth.

  13. Robert Says:

    “Embrace the scruff, men!”

    I used to have a beard, until someone told me it made me look like Hank Williams Jr. It was gone as soon as I could find a razor.

  14. ZerCool Says:

    I’m with Jake.

    Traditional safety razor and a mug/brush, splash of witch hazel for aftershave, and I’m good.

    I liked the Mach3 and Mach3 Power, until my wife stole mine. I “upgraded” to the Fusion Power … and it just leaves my face feeling raw and unpleasant.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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