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Who’s in your inbox

homeland Security chief says the US should monitor Al Gore’s internets to stop terrorism and stuff.

3 Responses to “Who’s in your inbox”

  1. Spook45 Says:

    Heh, This is just a jusification for why she just sits in her office all day surfing the web. STUPID BITCH, wonder if she will monitor that ? As usual, they will ignore the real threats because they are on the same team…..

  2. John Smith Says:

    Leave it to good old janet to say the right words. She said it is wrong to believe that increased security means less liberty. She is absolutely right. Because we KNOW that increased security means less liberty. Believing implies the suggestion of skepticism. Knowing implies that the facts are realized.

  3. Jake Says:

    Funny, I always assumed they already are monitoring the internet – whether they’re supposed to be or not.

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