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Can you shoot an AR-15 underwater?


7 Responses to “Can you shoot an AR-15 underwater?”

  1. yj Says:

    Bison Upper right?

  2. Matt Groom Says:

    The bullet would go farther, except the density of water is so much greater than air, the bullet will not stabilize with anything that resembles conventional rifling.

  3. Bobby Says:

    Wow, I would imagine the concussion down there isnt to fun to be in

  4. Bobby Says:

    for your ears, and sinus, i do mean.

  5. Joe Carpenter Says:

    That means they should be able to fire in a vacuum, right?

  6. Lyle Says:

    Joe C; Of course they’ll fire in a vacuum. The propellent is fully self-contained, as is rocket fuel. Exterior ballistics will be awesome, too, with zero drag, or micro drag. Long distance shooting on the moon would be a hoot.

    The .223 sucks underwater, so; what caliber for underwater zombies?

  7. Chris Byrne Says:

    You CAN, but if you do, sometimes the gas tube blows up.

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