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Jesse Jackson on civil rights

He’s not a fan civil rights for a black man in Chicago.

3 Responses to “Jesse Jackson on civil rights”

  1. Hartley Says:

    Jesse Jackson has never been a fan of ANYBODY’s civil rights – other than his own – race has nothing to do with it.

    On the other hand, for the proper fee, he will appear to advocate for the rights of certain specific others – vicious dictators included.

  2. JKB Says:

    I just read Thomas’s opinion laying out the privileges and immunities argument in a straightforward and logical line. Some have commented on his use of the treatment of blacks in the Reconstruction era but he did so only to demonstrate contemporary opinion and the need for the 14th amendment. He does however, cite several massacres of black directly after being disarmed by state “consensus” gun control laws.

    I did like the sideways slam of the argument that police and military only need guns thus a all private citizen ban is ok (from the opinion of the court):

    Third, if the 39th Congress had outlawed only those
    laws that discriminate on the basis of race or previous condition of servitude, African Americans in the South would likely have remained vulnerable to attack by many of their worst abusers: the state militia and state peace officers.

    This puts Jesse Jackson, et al, in a bad position since gun control was always used to make blacks and their supporters vulnerable to attack.

  3. Lyle Says:

    Jesse Jackson is nothing but a self promoter and a race baiter. Can’t hardly blame him though– It’s worked well for him in the past. Why change now?

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