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NE Journal of Medicine

Not feeling the love for McDonald. Did you know that a gun is supposed to relieve the root causes of of drug and gang crime? Me neither.

7 Responses to “NE Journal of Medicine”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Thanks to Obamacare, she is nothing more than a government clerk.

    Tell her to shut up and get back to stamping forms.

  2. Mikee Says:

    I thought the root cause of drug crime and the root cause of gang crime are drug criminals and gang criminals. The only way a gun can relieve these root causes is through legal self defense by law-abiding gun users. Is that what the author is concerned about – legal self defense?

  3. Kristopher Says:

    Medical ethics failure.

    The folks at this journal need to review the medical ethics concept called “boundary violation”.

  4. Divemedic Says:

    Banning guns doesn’t seem to relieve the root causes of drug and gang crime, so maybe we should abandon that.

  5. Anon Says:

    A gun can be a 100% cure for recidivism.

  6. Dr Mac Says:

    Just another example of why most docs don’t belong to the AMA nor support Obamacare.

  7. Weer'd Beard Says:

    “I thought the root cause of drug crime and the root cause of gang crime are drug criminals and gang criminals.”

    Technically the root cause of drug crime is the war on drugs making drugs both profitable, and requiring it to be underground. The gangs are that “underground” part and they exist exclusively because of the money from drugs and prostitution.

    When was the last time you heard of a gang shooting over alcohol? Used to happen all the time….

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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