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Michael Yon: Still a douchebag

First, he calls the gun blogs fanatics because they dare point out that he was wrong about the whole Mexican Gun Canard. Now, he calls the milbloggers milkooks.

13 Responses to “Michael Yon: Still a douchebag”

  1. SebastianWho'llGetHisBlogRunningEventually Says:

    Would just like to point out that I was pretty sure he was a douchenozzle long before it was trendy.

    I also liked Mojitos before Michael Mann remade Miami Vice and everyone started drinking them.

  2. Jester Says:

    Been following that story for several weeks and Yon’s right about the milkook thing. Yeah, he’s arrogant, yet within his realm he’s been consistently ahead of the curve. As much as I appreciate his perspectives on DoD, Iraq, and Afgahistan…I’ve not read anything where Yon was particularly up to speed on domestic issues. Outside of his realm, well…the Mexican gun canard proves he falls short on omniscience. Just proves that the man on the ground, with an up close view of things, usually has a better grasp on the situation.

  3. mikee Says:

    So he’s wrong on two issues and correct on, well, just about everything else he has written, including several of the biggest historical events of the past decade.

    Would that there were more, many more, journalists with such a record.

    And I think he might be educated regarding his errors re Mexican guns and milblogs.

  4. Captain Holly Says:

    And I think he might be educated regarding his errors re Mexican guns and milblogs.

    The problem is, mikee, that to be educated Yon would have to admit he was wrong in the first place. From what I read above, he’s not even considering the possibility.

    We might be witnessing a slow-motion shark jump here. Based on my personal observations, there is considerable overlap between Yon’s readers and supporters and the milblogger and RKBA communities; Yon’s slavish devotion to the Mexican Gun bullshit and his arrogant dismissal of his critics is very likely reducing his readership and damaging his credibility.

    I do know that I’ve not read his page once since he sided with McCaffrey on Mexican gun smuggling issue. There might be alot more folks like me, especially if he’s calling in friendly fire on his fellow milbloggers.

  5. Wes S. Says:

    It looks like Michael Yon has come down with a bad case of Charles Johnson Syndrome.

    It’s too bad. Both Yon and LGF used to be must-reads for me…

  6. Rivrdog Says:

    Yon tried to jump from blogging into “journalism”, but failed. We all know the faults of today’s media, and the fact that Yon would have wanted to embrace them says volumes about his ethics.

  7. ExUrbanKevin Says:

    As I said over at Sebastian’s place, this saddens me to no end. Yon did/does some 1st rate reporting from the field: He was sending beack news from the ground in Iraq when the MSM was still stuck in their quagmire narrative.

    But he needs to know when he’s talking outside of his area of expertise. I unfollowed him on Twitter and Facebook, and I no longer can endorse him.


  8. Jay G. Says:

    Man, that’s Cole-d…

  9. Jester Says:

    Majority of the milkook-Yon argument has been about whom has the bigger/biggest dick, and no one really cares about that sort of public argument. Indeed, Yon appears to have fallen victim to his own sort of Peter Principle: he’s risen to such a point that his talent and skill are no longer sufficient to render coherent, well rounded reports on subjects beyond his immediate surroundings or scope of first-hand experience.

  10. ben Says:

    Speaking of Charles Johnson, he’s the biggest ass-muscle on the planet. He called me a racist, told me I’d be happier reading/commenting over at Stormfront, disemvoweled all my comments so no one could actually read what I wrote, and banned me from comments.

    Yon, well he got the Mexican thing wrong, and I haven’t read his bunk lately, but he used to be great at reporting from the front, when everyone else sucked.

  11. John Smith Says:

    Let me guess the reason he is EX special forces is he has a problem with authority. Or more accurately a problem with authority not agreeing with everything he says.

  12. Captain Holly Says:

    It looks like Michael Yon has come down with a bad case of Charles Johnson Syndrome.

    And as with C J, I am beginning to notice a whiff of Obama-esque narcissicism in Yon’s posts.

    He portrays himself as not just a good reporter, but a critical part of the war effort itself. He is the Truth-Teller, the Exposer of Liars and Incompetents, the Bearer of The Straight Scoop.

    Those who disagree with him are not just wrong on the facts, but actually evil — they are “kooks” and “fanatics” who must be silenced in order to Save The War Effort, if not the Republic itself.

    It does bear a striking resemblance to Johnson in his early meltdown days, and of course is very similar to the attitudes of our current President.

  13. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    So he’s wrong on two issues and correct on, well, just about everything else he has written, including several of the biggest historical events of the past decade.

    Except that it isn’t. Yon passes around unsubstantiated rumors from unverified sources as if they were solid as granite fact.

    How many other times has he been used by people with hidden motives?

    Besides, if Yon is correct that he keeps getting kicked out of his embeds for upsetting the powers that be For Telling The Truth™, why does he keep getting new embeds? For an organization so hell bent on silencing him, they sure do seem to go out of their way to give him access.

    The Donovan @ Castle Argghhh had a good take on Yon: “You’re so vain, you probably think this war is about you.”

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