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NYT on Gun Control After McDonald

They’re crying in their beer:

As flawed as the Chicago regulation is, the lawsuit challenging it is entirely over the top. It disputes virtually every aspect of the law as a violation of the Second Amendment and poses ludicrous hypothetical situations to show that everyone needs a gun.

Well, I hope so. For some more crying, read the rest.

4 Responses to “NYT on Gun Control After McDonald”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    Another link to the same editorial. I got the nag screen with yours.

  2. Huck Says:

    “It disputes virtually every aspect of the law as a violation of the Second Amendment”

    That’s becuase it WAS a violation of the second ammendment. So are the new laws.

  3. Ravenwood Says:

    “poses ludicrous hypothetical situations to show that everyone needs a gun”

    As opposed to the ludicrous hypothetical situations posed by the antis..

  4. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    We will not rest until gun ownership become mandatory and pistols are sold in vending machines at airports.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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