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Once more with feeling

The R in NRA doesn’t stand for Republican.

5 Responses to “Once more with feeling”

  1. Bram Says:

    That is why I pay my dues but don’t give the NRA an extra cent.

  2. Zendo Deb Says:

    There was time, not that long ago, when the NRA was involved in everything conservative – the lost some members. I know, because I was one of them.

    And Congress passed – and Obama signed – a fairly amazing piece of pro-gun legislation with the guns in National Parks bill. Wouldn’t happen without pro-gun Democrats. In fact the best defense we have right now against the likes of Pelosi, and Obama and the true gun-haters are the pro-gun Democrats.

    In fact, given everything the Republicans DIDN’T do, when they had both houses and the Oval Office why are you so pro Republican? (Or insisting that the NRA should be?) Hell, Bush said he would sign another “assault rifle” ban. A real friend of the 2nd Amendment. How about some sanity for BATFE?

    Just because you know how I feel about the 2nd Amendment, doesn’t mean you can deduce how I feel about abortion, gay rights, legalization of drugs, etc. People are not one dimensional. And if you assume that they are, you will drive people away from the organization.

    If you feel that strongly about the 1st Amendment, or whatever, start or join an organization that defends the that amendment.

  3. chris Says:

    Yeah, a vote for Harry Reid is a vote for Sotomayor and for Kagan.

    They will get to vote on the next SCOTUS 2A case.

    From a purely 2A standpoint, supporting a Senator who will invariably vote liberal justices onto the SCOTUS bench is not particularly good for 2A jurisprudence.

  4. Bram Says:

    I don’t believe that there are “pro-2nd Amendment” Democrats. It’s just a political position they chose because they think it will help them win. Many Republicans are just as bad.

    How can the 2nd Amendment mean something to them while they completely disregard the rest? The First, Fourth, Fith, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments are under constant attacks.

  5. Steve in TN Says:

    Yeah, the R does not stand for Republican, but we have learned that the A does not stand for America, either.

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