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Quote of the day

My favorite anarcho-capitalist:

All over this country, countless times, I have seen the complete lapse of reason among walking & talking vegetables who almost look like real humans except for that vacuum in their eyes which signals their raw touchy-feely nerves poking out in the wind. They fright like children in a kindergarten room at the least sign of dispute, and they do not have minds to lose anymore. All they have are sensations which never reach their cognitive centers except on the most basic levels of something like “hunger/microwave” or “boredom/channel-remote”.

3 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. noadmiration Says:

    I’m an anarcho-capitalist. My initial thoughts after reading a few of this persons postings is that he is an abrasive jerk using a philosophy to justify being an abrasive jerk. I don’t really see any an anacho-capitalist thought, just rants reminiscent of Holden Caulfield.

    He sounds like a teenager who, after reading “The Fountainhead,” spends the rest of the year feeling superior to everyone else.

    I don’t know the fellow personally, so I’m open to being corrected.

  2. Linoge Says:

    Not so far off, actually…

  3. Don Says:

    I eagerly read new entries on that site…and whatever part you attribute to his character(I do not know the man), he has a point.

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