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Democrats and Guns

Championing gun rights in key races. Good.

5 Responses to “Democrats and Guns”

  1. Huck Says:

    “however, “I am a very strong Second Amendment supporter.’

    What NOT to take seriously when spewed by a demo.

  2. JD Says:

    I’m giving it my best to believe dems on this but they have a long history to overcome and hope the do.

  3. Ron W Says:

    Some say they support the 2nd Amendment because they think that the right of the people is somehow restricted by the subordinate “militia” clause.

    If they take the time to read Article I, Section 8.15-16, the Federal Gov’t only has delegated power to govern such part of the militia that it employees in its service”.

    Therefore,let’s hear them explain that they support the 2nd Amendment because it declares the right of the people to keep AND BEAR (which means carry) arms and forbids any Federal laws that restrict or deny that declared right of the people>

  4. Ron W Says:

    Some say they support the 2nd Amendment because they think that the right of the people is somehow restricted by the subordinate “militia” clause.

    If they take the time to read Article I, Section 8.15-16, the Federal Gov’t only has delegated power to govern such part of the militia that it employees in its service”.

    Therefore,let’s hear them explain that they support the 2nd Amendment because it declares the right of the people to keep AND BEAR (which means carry) arms and forbids any Federal laws that restrict or deny that declared right of the people.

  5. Lawrence Person Says:

    Are there any Democrats who are more staunchly “Pro-Second Amendment” than Bart Stupak was staunchly pro-life?

    In fact, some of the very same Democrats who are “pro-gun” were just as much “pro-life” right up until Nancy Pelosi snapped her fingers, at which time they all rolled over to let her rub their furry bellies…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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