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The First Legal Short Barreled Rifle Registered in Alabama

Is here.

4 Responses to “The First Legal Short Barreled Rifle Registered in Alabama”

  1. ericire12 Says:

    Me likey!

    *I know, that comment contained a lot of insightful commentary, didnt it? 😀

  2. aeronathan Says:

    woot! now I just need some spare $$$ so I can get one….

  3. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    And to the asshats in the gun stores that say “we’ll never get that changed.”

    No, you won’t if you just sit around eating donuts, passing gas and bitching like you do every Saturday. You have to put in work like, oh, I don’t know . . . Alabama!!!

  4. mikee Says:

    I was interested in such an item here in Texas recently. And God, thank you for Texas.

    I was in Cedar Park, TX, waiting for my daughter to finish a gymnastics class, and wandered into The Gun Store, (yes, that is the store’s whole name). I asked about purchasing a 223 semiauto AR-15 clone with a short barrel, or a silencer for a Ruger MarkII 22. I got a concise explanation from the counter guy about how to fill out the forms, pay for the tax stamp, get it ordered, and so on. Seemed a bit pricey, but easy to do. Again, God, I love Texas.

    I bought a box of ammo for the information, and have been thinking about buying my own SBR and silenced pistol ever since.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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