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Denied a gun permit for slamming doors too hard, displaying emotions.

9 Responses to “In NJ”

  1. remthewanderer Says:

    That’s par for the course in some areas of NJ. I’m glad my shitty little state is getting some national attention. Perhaps the Heller/McDonald Freedom Train could chug into the Trenton station and stir up some freedom for NJ residents.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Bruce did a Story a good while back when he was behind enemy lines about a Masshole who was denied a permit (also to own, not carry) because they had outstanding videos with blockbuster.

  3. Ian Argent Says:

    A little bizarre; I wonder how often the “general welfare” clause has been invoked before this for someone with a clean legal record?

    I have to say, I kind of hope he can appeal up the chain – this is straight up Heller/MacDonald, and doesn’t even involve purchasing a handgun.

  4. John Smith Says:

    This reminds me of the guy in oregon who had his weapons seized and he being put in a psych ward for mental evaluation because he was suspended from his job pending an investigation into the deeds of his boss. The police cannot suspend your civil rights because something might happen. MIGHT can mean anything or nothing.

  5. John Smith Says:

    This reminds me of the guy in oregon who had his weapons seized and he being put in a psych ward for mental evaluation because he was suspended from his job pending and investigation into the deeds of his boss. The police cannot suspend your civil rights because something might happen. MIGHT can mean anything or nothing.

  6. Justthisguy Says:

    Looks like he was denied because he and the ex- were both “hot-headed Dagos” to me. I mean, that was the original justification for the Sullivan Act in NY, that only the Irish criminals could be trusted with guns.

  7. Justthisguy Says:

    Oops! Forgot to say, “Snork!”

  8. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Sounds like Dailey in Chicago shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun, because he might shove it up someone’s rear. Little hotheaded, couldn’t meet the Jersey Standard. So let him roam around the Windy City w/o police protection and see how he likes it.

  9. Mu Says:

    Threats of domestic violence always get an overreaction from LOEs, probably because they always get the bad press if the one in 100 where they didn’t intervene goes south.
    If the guy would have taken the money he used to sue to sign up for anger management class and stayed away from his ex for 6 months he’d probably would have had his permit right now.
    Sometimes getting what you want and being right get into the way of each other.

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