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I have two twin nephews and they are completely different in personality. One is more literal, hands on, and practical. And the other is a bit more figurative, creative and imaginative. Anyway, I have a minor blemish that requires a band-aid on my neck. Our family met their family for dinner the other night and one of my nephews asks what happened to my neck. And I say zombie bite. My literal nephew says No, really. What happened? My more imaginative nephew asks Can I see the zombie bite?

19 Responses to “Reaction”

  1. nk Says:

    How old are they? Because I have seen both phases in my eight-year old and now she gets it when daddy is being a smart-aleck. Sometimes she teases back, sometimes she tells me I’m full of sugar.

  2. SayUncle Says:


  3. Mad Man Says:

    The return of Reginald!

  4. ericire12 Says:

    So, I guess all that Zombie prepartion was for nothing?

    “Carry your f-ing (Zombie) guns people!”

  5. Justthisguy Says:

    Identical or fraternal?

  6. SayUncle Says:


  7. Todd Says:

    I have two nephews (brothers) and one is a cerebral egghead and the other is a Neanderthal. The egghead is good kid but he gets a little annoying. The Neanderthal doesn’t say much but the kid can shoot, sling arrows, gun a football and run like the wind. I seem to like spending time with the little meat-head more so than his brother.

  8. Jerry Says:

    Don’t get on there bad side, I’ll bet they make one hell of a team when they have to.


  9. Jailer Says:

    How long before the transformation is complete? Can I have your guns when you join the legion of the undead?

  10. Justthisguy Says:

    I think you have it backwards, Unc. A literal-minded concrete thinker would say, “Can I see the zombie bite?” and an imaginative guy would say, “No, really, what happened?”

    Theory of Mind, and all that. I write as someone who considers himself to have at least a touch of the Autitude.

  11. Jerry Says:

    Hmmmm, autitude. As is, say, with or without autism? I didn’t see that in the post. I’m sure he loves them both, they are his nephews, but that word seems to give me some, umm, trepidation. Autism is there, we can see it. We do not know what cause’s it. Mr. Carrey’s ex-wife aside, I don’t think that anyone else do, ‘needer. I think we should try, and find, the root of this problem. Should it come, before, all the other things that seem to kill all of us? I guess that depends, on, exactly what is. Let’s transmogrify back a few years. Sept. 11, without the year, because we all remember. Right? GDub is reading an upside-down book to small children. I waz not reading anything. I was watching the news. I was suprized. shit, losst myself, It caught me (off-guard).

  12. Justthisguy Says:

    Jerry, it’s not, necessarily, a problem. I regularly correspond with lots of seriously autistic folks on the ‘net, and without exception, every one of them makes more sense than you do.

  13. rickn8or Says:

    Justthisguy, that’s pretty encouraging for me, the grandfather of two Asperger’s Syndrome boys.

    Makes me think there’s a possibility for a normal life for them.

  14. Justthisguy Says:

    Nah, rick, maybe better than “normal.” Normal is a town in Illinois.

  15. Justthisguy Says:

    Rick, if they can type, sign’ em up at It’s a huge forum for Aspies and Auties. For general information on autism and Asperger’s, I recomment There are enough blogs and links there to get you started.

    I hope and trust that you’ll teach ’em to shoot, too. Aspies make, if not the best gun nuts, the most earnest ones. As a guy at The High Road says, “How can you tell if you have an Aspie gun nut? He doesn’t have a range bag, he has a range _trailer_!”

  16. c Says:

    rickn8or, read ‘Look Me in the Eye’ by John Elder Robinson. In case you haven’t already. Great book.

  17. Jerry Says:

    I have got to get me a breathalyzer for this thing.

  18. bob r Says:

    This guy says he has a “mild form of Aspergers Syndrome”. He seems to have a pretty “normal” life (actually, from where I’m sitting, he seems to have a better than normal life).

  19. Justthisguy Says:

    Yup, bob, I would say having a magazine full of high explosives is “better than normal.” Oh, and that’s John Elder Robison, not “Robinson.” He keeps a blog, too. I believe it’s

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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