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I dunno but I think I’d write dirty messages on these. Via Joe, who has other suggestions on how to fool with security theater.

4 Responses to “Interesting”

  1. Mikee Says:

    True story: was leaving Hawaii, the TSA screener was doing a hand search of my backpack (lots of wires seen on the x-ray, from various electronic items). She reaches into the bag, and jumps about ten feet into the air.

    “Something in there is rattling like a snake,” she says.

    Knowing there are no snakes in Hawaii, I offer to dig into the bag and determine the cause. I come up with my trusty rechargable Norelco razor, which turned on as it was jostled.

    I avoided laughing out loud at her.

    I recommend this to all and sundry.

  2. Jerry Says:

    I’ll take the one on the right for 30, Alex.

  3. dustydog Says:

    I think x-ray pasties would be a good way to get pulled aside, strip searched and miss your flight, and have your carry on bag stolen.

  4. Jake Says:

    I think x-ray pasties would be a good way to get pulled aside, strip searched and miss your flight, and have your carry on bag stolen.

    That’s what I figure the most likely result would be, too.

    I also expect there’s a line hidden in the statutes somewhere that makes it a crime to “attempt to defeat or interfere with” either these scanners specifically or any airport security device in general. It’s probably a felony, too.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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