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Anchorage police officer tasers a wayward bear.

6 Responses to “Conditioning”

  1. Jake Says:

    Cue PETA having a collective aneurysm in 5…4…3

  2. Crotalus Says:

    Darn! That actually makes sense! And yes, PETA would have a double aneurysm over this.

  3. Alaskan Says:

    I live south of Anchorage and read about this and laughed..but it did make me think.

    If animals have a simple brain(ie no cognitive thought process like humans) and learn by repetition,could this bear have been trained to not approach humans or homes with enough electric stimuli?

    The bear has been a nuisance..going so far as to even try to follow a guy into his van..
    A homeowner did kill it(the bear,not the guy in the van) with a shotgun.

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Not good. Remember that guy who used a .45 awhile back to kill a charging Grizzly? Now the Park Service will prosecute because he didn’t use a less-than-lethal Taser to defend himself.

  5. Heather Says:

    Gets better, looks like the taser didn’t work and the bear was shot after trying yet again to get into a home.

  6. Chris from AK Says:

    Negative condition can sometimes work (the NPS uses it at Denali to try and chase bears off; they use rubber bullets and such…) but in general a fed bear is a dead bear.

    If you want to live in a community with these sorts of animals (which Alaskans overwhelmingly do, in polling in our city of Anchorage here) then there are responsibilities that come with that, like securing your food and trash.

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