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Bad timing

The Yogi Bear Trailer comes out and then this happens.

4 Responses to “Bad timing”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I suspect this would help the box office a LOT if they had elected for it to be directed by Paul Verhoeven!

  2. mike w. Says:

    Don’t mess with the PB&J sandwiches.

  3. Paul Says:

    Yogi is responsible for many bear attacks. I remember yellowstone in the 60’s (early if you must know) and at that time you saw more bears than any other critter. Most people in the part had learned animal behavior by watch Hanna and Barbara.

    Made for some interesting interaction, if you weren’t involved.

  4. Paul Says:

    Damn. should be Park, not part….spell checking is so overrated.

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