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Debt to society

I do agree. If you’re too dangerous to own a gun then you’re too dangerous to be free.

4 Responses to “Debt to society”

  1. anon Says:

    Cue frothing moonbats: “But But But then how would Al Franken get re-elected?”

  2. Matt Groom Says:

    I tend to agree. I feel his punishment should have been much more harsh, as in a long drop at the end of a short rope, but absent that, he’s apparently paid his debt, and therefore deserves all of the rights and privileges of any other citizen.

  3. Brad Says:

    Holy Crap! It’s freaky to realize those creeps are out walking amongst us.

    Who needs Freddy Kruger when there are real life monsters lurking.

  4. Beaumont Says:

    Robb thinks people like this should be in jail. I have to disagree. Many hungry ants could be sustained on a diet of sociopath.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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