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In case of Zombie

You should be prepared.

3 Responses to “In case of Zombie”

  1. JWilliams Says:

    I always saw Zombie movies as a commentary between the liberal collective (the Zombies) and the conservative individual (the humans).

  2. Michael Hawkins Says:


    Now that you’ve brought up zombies:
    Might I interest you in a free copy of left 4 dead 2?

    Gabe Newel sent me a free copy plus an extra one to give to somebody else after I was unduly banned from modern warfare 2.

    I can send the extra one to anybody with a steam account, it then becomes free to download (7.4 gig at 3mb/sec in my case) so if you’re not much of a gamer, feel free to pass it on to somebody else.

    I can be reached at Drop me a mail with an account name, and I’ll ship as soon as I can be bothered to. :p

  3. SayUncle Says:

    i’m not really a gamer. but i appreciate the offer. i’ll ask around though.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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