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Post-McDonald Litigation

A round up by John Richardson. The cases are interesting. The responses in the NC emergency powers cases are amusing. The locals say state law isn’t their fault. The state says there’s no claim for relief to be granted. I’m no lawyer, but it sounds like a standing issue. I thought it interesting since, basically, most folks think that was the low-hanging fruit.

And in Chicago, the laws enacted to comply with McDonald are being challenged. Good.

3 Responses to “Post-McDonald Litigation”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Journey of a thousand miles… but this trip is worth the walk.

  2. dustydog Says:

    The Baker v Biaggi case is interesting to me, the one where they are seeking to have a tent declared a residence for the purposes of gun ownership.
    Back in 2000, there were several court rulings to the effect that homeless people were allowed to vote, and could claim a park bench or a spot of bare ground as their residence. The definition of residency shouldn’t be more lax for voter registration than for gun ownership.

  3. Sebastiantheguywithnoblog Says:

    He’s missing the Wollard case here in MD–a big one, as it’s going after a discriminatory may issue policy.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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