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Unsure who they work for

Roll your eyes at a public meeting and your elected officials kick you out.

3 Responses to “Unsure who they work for”

  1. Spook45 Says:

    OH……WELL, MAybe we should roll THIER EYES instead. Perhaps they will like that better…..

  2. Lyle Says:

    Reasoned Discourse spreads outside the internets.

  3. mikee Says:

    About 100 members of my HOA showed up to a city council meeting here in Texas during a reading of a rezoning ordnance that affected our property.

    The HOA president handed out white T-shirts with our HOA logo on them as we entered the meeting. There were about 200 people present in all, so our sea of white shirts was quite noticeable.

    I later heard from the city attorney that the council was totally intimidated by this.

    My conclusion: elected officials know they rule at the pleasure of their constituents, and any display of solidarity by the constituents is scary as heck to them.

    My suggestion: distribute and wear “team” shirts to all such meetings.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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