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Quote of the Day

The wife:

I love how I buy Spam Light and you cook it in bacon fat.

14 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Scott Says:

    Tell her that the lard is to prevent the Spam-light from permanently adhering to the Cast Iron skillet.

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    even spam light is too damn salty for me, although the turkey in a square can is just barely OK. It’s pressure canned, you would think they would not have to salt it to death too.

  3. pax Says:

    Is that a problem?

  4. Spook45 Says:


  5. 2yellowdogs Says:

    They make SPAM Lite? Good Good in heaven, WHY?? If you’re going to eat SPAM, eat the real thing. (And cook it in bacon fat.) Sheesh.

  6. Robert Says:

    The ying. The yang. It is the love!

  7. Skip Says:

    Tell her to get Bacon Spam instead, it’s pretty tasty.

  8. Jerry Says:

    If you have to eat fake pig, it should taste like real pig, IMHO. Just sayin’………….

  9. nk Says:

    Thanks for the reminder. The daughter and I will be making Spam sushi, tomorrow. 😉

  10. emdfl Says:

    SM – You have to cut in a little pineapple to thin the salt taste… Better yet just throw a whole can of sliced pineapple into the pan.

  11. comatus Says:

    Mmmm…tactical charcuterie. Yes, it has to have salt in it (maybe not as much as we’re accustomed to); salt is the original preservative, safe and effective. It took us 10,000 years to figure out something not to like about it. And fat itself acts as a preservative when pressure-cooked into meat scraps–really, the basis for all European culture. It all came from Greece, see?

    Our ancestors (like, 40 years ago) knew to use the cooked-off salt and fat of preserved meats in the rest of a recipe. Jerky is meant to be the base for a soup or stew, not a trail snack. There’s enough usable fat in regular-strength Spam to fry an egg in, if you simmer it.

  12. phlegmfatale Says:

    I cooked some bacon for LawDog’s sammich last night, and I went back into the kitchen and noticed all the not-sammich bacon had disappeared. Heh.

    There really should be bacon bouillon, don’t you think?

  13. SPQR Says:

    You know why Spam is so popular in south Pacific islands, don’t you?

  14. comatus Says:

    But there is bacon bouillon:

    Just add boiling water for a nutritious TEOTWAWKI snack. Do not open when bears are present.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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