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9 Essential Gun Rights Blogs

A list from Nancy. Though she loses points for calling Breda’s blog The Brenda Fallacies.

I’ll add a few to the list (and, no, this is not in any order. Just blogs I like to read and that have a lot of original content):

Tam: guns, witty commentary, common sense and snark.

Days of our Trailers: perfect for watching the various neurosis the various anti-gunners have.

National Shooting Sports Foundation Blog: Political news focusing on the firearms industry.

Everyday, No Days Off: A combo of good gun news and every internet meme you’ve ever seen. Entertaining.

Michael Bane: Fun watching the old school firearms industry trying to figure out this new fangled internet thingy. And Michael is trying to bridge the gap.

Joe Huffman: Gun rights and discussion. And he blows stuff up.

The Firearm Blog: Firearms not politics.

The War on Guns: David finds a lot of interesting things.

And that one you’re thinking of too. List more in comments.

12 Responses to “9 Essential Gun Rights Blogs”

  1. mike w. Says:

    I’d say Dave Hardy at “Of Arms & The Law” is a must read as well as Brigid at “Mausers & Muffins”

    I don’t know how folks continue to make the “Brenda” mistake on Breda’s blog. I mean hell her name is right at the top of the page.

  2. Breda Says:

    I want off that list.

  3. Rustmiester Says:

    Oleg Volk, but scroll carefully while at work!

  4. Dan Says:

  5. mike w. Says:

    Yeah, Oleg is great but definitely NSFW.

  6. Nancy Says:

    I am so embarrassed by that n…Yeah, I know, god is in the details….Anyway, I apologize again :-).
    As far as the other sites you suggested, I did a post last week on blogs whose primary subject is guns (as in hardware, collectors and so on) and both View From the Porch and the Firearms blog on included in that post.

  7. kahr40 Says:

    No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money is new but already a must read.

  8. Mike-ENDOtactical Says:

    Thanks for the mention Uncle!

  9. Kevin Baker Says:

    Well. I’m hurt. 😉

  10. mariner Says:

    You got Tam wrong.

    It’s “snark, guns, snark, witty commentary, snark, common sense, snark, and snark.”

    I like that.

  11. Jeb Texas Says:

    Smallest Minority, Random Nuclear Strikes. Both must-reads. Guns, and other stuff too.

  12. mikee Says:

    Despite several folks’ dislike of some of the author’s beliefs, I still miss Kim du Tiot’s old gun blog.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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