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Set your dials

I’ll be on NRA News Cam and Company tonight about 10:15 or so.

4 Responses to “Set your dials”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Good deal Unc. Will tune in if I can stay awake… 🙂

  2. MJM Says:

    Hey, that’s exciting news indeed. I can see it now. The marquee. Lights, camera, action!

  3. Tam Says:

    I’m listening to you right now!

    You should nothing like you should sound. At least in my head you properly sound like Foghorn Leghorn.

  4. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    I say, I say, I doooo declare, that was me, not Tam.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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