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Terry Jones wins

Sure, burning someone’s holy book makes you a dick. But having a fatwa issues against you kinda makes the point.

10 Responses to “Terry Jones wins”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So let me get this straight: If I burn a Koran, these Ayatohloohies say I’m to be killed for doing so. Yet these same people say it’s okay to flog Women if their veil slips in the Market Place, little girls aren’t allowed to read, and you can’t draw pictures of their Holy Blogger? And Mr. B. Hussein Obama says America is not at war with Islam? Sounds like Islam is at War with the U.S., Barry! Well, MY Constitution Trumps YOUR Fatwa, Mr. Ayatoola, so if I choose to Burn a Koran within the U.S., I may be a Dick, but if You would try to kill me for doing so, You would come to Understand what the RKBA means, and you would Heed the Words of the American Prophets Remington, Colt, Winchester, Browning, and Stoner (PBUT). And If I would ever need to Behead someone and put it on Youtube, It would be done through the .50 caliber Instruments of the Barrett Family (PBUT). To All IslamoFascists out there, from those who aren’t afraid of You, here’s MY Fatwa: Times Up.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I don’t have a holy book…but I do have some holy magazines made by Wilson Combat ; ]

  3. markofafreeman Says:

    I respectfully disagree that burning “someone’s holy book” makes you dick. And “holy” only means “separate” or “set apart” by the way. The Koran sure is set apart…set apart from all that is good. And you need to do more than read it to get that. For example, the principle of ‘abrogation’ makes a lot, if not all of those ‘peaceful’ parts rather irrelevant.

    As you said, the fatwas issued against those who do the burning kind of makes the point. I’m not advocating book burning as public policy, as that would constitute a concerted effort at censorship. But as private individual action? Perfectly legitimate free speech that makes a clear point. In this case, it’s “lan astaslem”.

    I care not what they believe, nor what their book says. What I care is what they DO. When they stop DOING what they are DOING, then the burning, which harms no one, will probably stop.

  4. Huck Says:

    Ah yes, the religion of “peace and tolerance”….

  5. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    The only “peace” you can have with pigslam is the kind you rest in after they kill you.

  6. Nylarthotep Says:

    Imagine what those Ayatollahs would think if they found out what I replaced the Sears catalog at the camp privy with. (Korans are made with really nice soft paper.)

  7. Weer'd Beard Says:

    By Chance is your Priv one of them slick 4-holers? Keeps from gettin’ a backlog after morning coffee! ; ]

  8. MJM Says:

    I agree with Uncle. I would not burn a Koran, out of respect for some Muslim people I know and like. But, it is mere paper.
    I was more disturbed that a wife of a soldier out of Fort Campbell (where I spent a few years) was very upset, led to think that her husband’s life is now more in danger all because of Jones and the threats. I blame Petraus, Obama, and a host of other politicians for taking on Americans’ corporate responsibility for the act of one man. They fueled this whole thing. They should have either said nothing at all, or explained that sinful oppressive governments elsewhere throw you into dungeons or hang you to terrorize and control you. Since our system assumes that they are not better than we, then in the US, our founders opted for liberty in thought, speech and even expression. Sometimes we don’t like it either, but it beats having the thought police drag you out of your house in the middle of the night.
    However, Jones discovered a tactical opportunity. I think we should threaten mass Koran burnings to get our way. “Let the hiker go, or we will burn thousands of Korans!” Sort of like the French knights taunting King Arthur: We could see if they would wither under the threat.

  9. Burke Says:

    I downloaded a copy of the Koran and then deleted it. 🙂

    I think burning the Koran is analogous to building a mosque near ground zero. While it may be within one’s legal right, it may not be the wisest move.

    I do have a problem with all the attention. American flags are regularly desecrated, burned, and even dipped in urine as a form of “free speech”. But, the mere thought of someone burning a Koran, has created an outrage.

    On 9/11, many things were burned at the hands of Muslims engaging in jihad, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. Think of all the books most likely burned during the attacks. I’d bet there were bibles, torahs, korans, and maybe even a few Playboys that went up in smoke. Family photos were burned. Heirlooms were burned. Buildings, burned. And we must never forget the people that were burned, crushed, and blown to pieces. All of this from those who followed the writings found in the koran. And remember the images of those “moderate” Muslims all dancing in the streets after it happened.

    I kinda wish Terry Jones burned a few. Of course I kinda wish he didn’t appear to be a little nutty either.

  10. Nylarthotep Says:

    I downloaded a copy of the Koran and then deleted it.

    Now that’s funny.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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