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Cute Kid

I know her. And her.

3 Responses to “Cute Kid”

  1. ericire12 Says:

    Ummmm…… I prefer the GUN porn.

  2. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Yours? They are cute!

  3. Justthisguy Says:

    I’m with eric. Cute kid and proud Daddy and all, but couldn’t Oleg have posed her at least _looking_ at a gun?

    Sorry, don’t have kids of my own, think they are annoying and have thought so since I was a kid, too. I will make an exception for a quiet, thoughtful, literate and numerate kid, but most of the normal yahoo kids need too much supervision and don’t seem to get it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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