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stirring racial hatred

Muslim is a race?

Six arrested for burning Koran Where Great Britain Used To Be

10 Responses to “stirring racial hatred”

  1. Spook45 Says:

    comment deleted, tard limit exceeded. Go be racist elsewhere. – Ed.

  2. Guav Says:

    Europeans have somewhat less tolerance for what they deem to be racial and/or religious hatred, since it sort of completey destroyed their continent not too long ago.

  3. Bram Says:

    Now their tolerance is going to completely destroy their continent.

  4. ben Says:

    Milk is a race. I hear the terms “racism” and “racist” thrown around by otherwise ordinary folks way to often. I’ve been called a racist many times for talking about things that clearly have nothing to do with race. On the other hand, the UN apparently thinks that “racism” (they use the term “racial discrimination”) can be applied to just about anything

    the term “racial discrimination” shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life

    So if I think that a person with Japanese ancestry who was raised in Brazil, and then moved to Canada is a dip because they like the Calgary Flames, then I’m a racist, or at least guilty of racial discrimination.

  5. ben Says:

    Forgot to mention that the Grand A-hole Charles Johnson called me a racist, disemvoweled my posts, and told me to go post at “stormfront”. Johnson had asserted that a certain book was racist based on a single paragraph in the book. I replied that I could do the same thing with “Huckleberry Finn,” which is clearly anti-racism, and that without more information, both characterizations would be stupid. Johnson throws “racism” around like 1 cent bazooka bubblegum.

  6. Firehand Says:

    ‘muslim’ has become a protected species in much of the world when anyone says anything bad about the general group.

  7. mark Says:

    Religion = culture = economic status = race, as long as it’s a useful tool to the left.

  8. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Depending on how the statute is written, yes it can be.

  9. Veeshir Says:

    Where Great Britain Used To Be

    And that’s the most depressing part.

  10. Number9 Says:

    “Muslim is a race?”

    According to the editorial page of the Knoxville News Sentinel.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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