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Gun Types and Juries

Interesting mock jury research. Juries less sympathetic if you use an evil black rifle for defense. And weapon types influences police behavior. Via David, who has more.

10 Responses to “Gun Types and Juries”

  1. Mike Says:

    Mock juries composed of college students, who are simultaneously the stupidest yet least likely people to be jurors.

  2. divemedic Says:

    Not just college students, but students from two colleges: one a community college, and the other a Liberal Arts college.

  3. Matt Says:

    A mock trial from roughly twenty years ago during the “guns are scary” time in America. And a actual trial from over ten years ago when “assault weapons” *sigh* were not as common place in American households and police patrol cars.

    I don’t think the article is relevant to the times now. And I think that now those types of weapons are more normalized to average Americans.

    Will it hurt you in court? If you happen to live a place with a lot of left-leaning neighbors… yeah. If you live anywhere else… probably not.

  4. comatus Says:

    It wasn’t all that long ago that it was evil black voters and evil black defendants that bore the weight of such prejudice. So we’re at least moving in the right direction. I have a dream that one day we’ll be judged on the content of our magazines, not the color of our stocks. I know — let’s pass a law!

  5. Wolfwood Says:

    In law school, we had an actual mock trial where we got volunteers from the community, largely from the senior center. As you might guess, seniors usually make up about 2/3 of your jury in the real world. It’s that kind of jury that will tell you how things are really perceived.

  6. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I was called up a couple of years ago. I managed to get myself rejected in the first round. I was back at work before I was missed. It’s mostly a matter of appearing too much like what the reasonable person would consider to be “competent” to be a juror.

    I would hope to convince a jury that my choice of weapons was irrelevant; “Look, sure it was a scary AR-15, but I fired only two shots. How is that different from, say, a shotgun?” Though, I’d probably just say things bizarre enough they would want to lock me into a rubber room for their own protection. Life in these modern times is so hard.

  7. Jill Says:

    Oddly, my daughter had an issue with the police last month. Her and her husband have three weapons (all courtesy of meself, tee-hee), a .22 revolver, a Remington 7600 in 30-06 (which is beautiful, with a scope on it worth the price of the gun), and an A1 variant. The weapon the popo were concerned about was the 7600, because of the glass on it. The black rifle, not so much…

    All ended well, but the idjits did confiscate them for a week (and returned them without question upon demand). Meanwhile there was a skill-saw and a hammer sitting in the corner and a set of Wolfgang Puck knives on the counter that they left.

    We are winning this thing, but we have alot of work to do, yet.

  8. Wolfwood Says:

    I never understood why so many libertarians do their absolute best to get off jury duty. It’s as though they’re itching for the chance to shoot a burglar but asking them to send one to prison is absolutely beneath them. Yes, jury duty sucks, but perhaps the reason we have juries of “people too dumb to get off jury duty” is because so few of the purportedly-smart people feel any obligation to do their part. Here’s hoping that if those of you ducking jury duty ever find yourself as a defendant that your jury won’t feel the same way you do.

  9. Ian Argent Says:

    Called twice, served twice. I hope, $DEITY forfend, that should I be in front of a jury (as witness or defendant) that the jurors be at least of my (for lack of a better word) quality. Jury duty is a duty of citizenship; and serving on a jury is just as much a defense of freedom as military service. Though much less arduous, and generally over quicker – I had to serve for a little over a week separated by years and got to go home and cuddle each night.

  10. Jay Hafemeister Says:

    I wonder how my M1 Carbine with Ultimak rail and aimpoint would fare?

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