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Mostly, it means they like legalizing drugs

Bill Maher is about as libertarian as I am communist.

3 Responses to “Mostly, it means they like legalizing drugs”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Yeah I always love when a big-government Republican, or a European-Socialist Democrat refer to themselves as “Libertarian” because they split with the party centrists on: (choose one, and ONLY one)


    Sorry, but there’s a whole ethos on Libertarianism, and it doesn’t just mean “I voted for Bob Barr” or “I voted for Obama, but I own guns!”

  2. Gunmart Says:

    Bill Maher = delusional pot head

  3. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    “Sorry, but there’s a whole ethos on Libertarianism”

    If you do not live in someone else’s basement, can you still be a Libertarian?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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