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Googling up studies

Once again, at the VPC. Also, if you look on their mainpage, they stole an image from a gun magazine. I believe that pic was in a recent American Rifleman. But it may have been another magazine I get.

5 Responses to “Googling up studies”

  1. Gunmart Says:

    So in 3+ years they are only able to find 202 individuals (and I doubt that) who commited “killings”.

    I think they are proving the case that the people with CCWs are not the problem.

  2. Huck Says:

    The only thing that’s probably accurate is the 202 “killings”. And those were probably the capping of bad guys.

    I dont believe any “studies” done by turds like the VPC.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Yeah that image was in the American Rifleman a few months ago.

    Does anybody take these assclowns seriously anymore?

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Well, according to my almanac, 21,200 people died accidently due to falls in 2006. I guess that means we need to Ban Gravity, huh?

  5. Mayor Joel Stoner Says:

    Yes ban gravity now! We must ban Aspirin,Tylenol, Gravity, Cars/Trucks, Ropes, and Prescription Pills. Then we can save countless lives every day. And we can legalize Hemp, since it’s never killed anyone by itself.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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