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You mean things that cost money disadvantage the poor?

And political beliefs that are pro-gun indicate certain behavior?

Study says gun permits tied to income, political beliefs. I am shocked..

Via Robb, who says it’s unpossible.

5 Responses to “You mean things that cost money disadvantage the poor?”

  1. Dan Says:

    From Georgia Packing (dot-org): You should now expect to pay between $70 and $78 to apply for a new or renewal Georgia Weapons License.

    $240? Man, that’s just too much.

  2. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Heh, a lifetime one in IN is $120.

  3. Mike From Philly Says:

    Licenses are a tax on Self Defense.

  4. Bryan S. Says:

    You could say that the idea of personal responsibility in safety and security is tied to political beliefs.

  5. Groundhog Says:

    Texas has one of the highest total concealed license fees out there. We give discounts to several groups but to my knowledge there isn’t any low income help for it. There either ought to be or the price should be lower. Of course, we ought to have constitutional carry like AZ does, but these things take time. The story is naturally slanted as anything in the left stream media will be. Nicely nuanced so that you come to the conclusion yourself that the ‘ebil rich republican redneck baby eaters’ made sure the disadvantaged poor can’t get a fair shake. I’ll give them credit for at least raising a valid point. It’s just too bad they can’t do it objectively. Crap, I’d just as soon have any law abiding person be able to easily carry regardless of income, education, or zip code.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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