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I, spam

Apparently, some thing in wordpress thinks I am spam. I’ve left a few comments at other blogs and none of them show. And they’re all wordpress blogs. Oh well.

19 Responses to “I, spam”

  1. Richard Says:

    Don’t feel bad, brother! You’re not the only one. I’ve run into similar problems when posting comments to other sites.


  2. Jay Says:

    Don’t worry, the same thing happens to me on some of the wordpress blogs I comment on. The only way they get approved is when the blogger catches it in their spam filter and approves it.

  3. Aaron Spuler Says:

    I’ve got you beat….

    I replied to a comment someone made on my own blog and got marked as spam!

  4. Gunmart Says:

    Blogger ;D

  5. Stranger Says:

    Akismet does not like free e-mail addresses. G-mail and hotmail in particular. While I try to look at everything in the spam file, I don’t always catch it.


  6. Rustmiester Says:

    Yeah, but at least you’re spam with bacon….

  7. Gunmart Says:

    Yeah, but at least you’re spam with bacon….


  8. Norm Says:

    Heh…I know anyone who hasn’t posted in on my blog before or who has been deleted from posting on my blog will either go into a spam folder or a pending folder.

    I try to keep most stuff family friendly (doesn’t always work) and it’s an easy way to moderate out of hand comments.

    BTW, I use WordPress. and agree with the Akismet thing from Stranger.

  9. DirtCrashr Says:

    Similar problem with WordPress blogs. Also thinks I’m spam and rejects me – so I never go there, but they’re batshit crazy anyhow.

  10. mikee Says:

    And what are all your commenters, chopped liver?

  11. Standard Mischief Says:

    I’m still using Spam Karma 2.3 and I’ve noticed that I’m on my very own blacklist. No, really. It’s just a few karma points, and my posts all show, but it’s interesting.

    The way I roll is with No-Script enabled and most sites I blocked from running javascript. I grant many sites temporary permissions only. I think that makes me sometimes look like a spambot if I leave too many links, or too many comments without allowing javascript on that site.

  12. rickn8or Says:

    Cogito ergo sum.”
    You think, therefore you spam.

  13. Linoge Says:

    Akismet learns what its users teach it, and if folks do not notice other folks’ comments going straight in the bitbucket, it will keep learning to bitbucket-ize them.

  14. Jerry Says:

    Ahhhh, Spam, on a stick, battered, and deep fried. With a cup of cheesy bacon-bit dip. I’m ‘gonna make a KILLING at next years fall festival.

  15. jigsaw Says:

    well, at least you’re something ….

  16. rickn8or Says:

    Jerry, good idea. BUT the idea is to have REPEAT customers.
    Tough to do that when you’re selling them “Heart Attack on a Stick.”

  17. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I dunno, deep fried bacon, deep fried candy bars, that kind of stuff seems to do pretty well. If you deep fry it, they will come.

  18. Jerry Says:

    I went to Hooter’s once.(Insert laugh track here.) A kid at the table behind me made a mess, of his face. He was eating deep fried pickles. Please, don’t take this the wrong way, I hate pickles. If the recipe has a cucumber in it, I don’t want it.

    I thank you, Mr. Rossington. Good show. I got to see the new Skinnerd tonight. Styll Skynyrd. Mr. Skinner passed away, too. (light lighter here) FREEBIRD!

  19. Jeanette K. Says:

    Comment spam is the bane of my existence. I’m sure you just need someone to approve it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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