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Crazy Vegetarians

Slicing their cheeks open so they they can put stuff through them. With pics, so careful.

9 Responses to “Crazy Vegetarians”

  1. cargosquid Says:

    I first read that as “slicing their cheeks open so that they can put more stuff in them”

    And I thought, “so…they want to be human hamsters…”

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Gahhh! I made it only 8 pix deep. Maybe I could do better during a Vicious circle, but not while I’m having my morning coffee!

  3. Jennifer Says:

    Gah! I made it all the way through. Yikes!

  4. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    That does not look like fun. WTF, how does stuff like this get started? Who thinks this up, and how the hell do they get everybody to go along with it?

  5. Miguel Says:

    I couldn’t get pass the adjustable wrenches. Vegetarians? What do they eat? Peyote Salad?

  6. The Real Gun Guy Says:

    I know some vegetarians and for the most part they’re decent people. I can’t help but think these “people” in the photo’s are under the influence of some kind of mind altering substance.

  7. dustydog Says:

    Don’t judge. A few weeks without internet, TV, CDs, or radio and you’d be cutting up your body to relieve the boredom too. Or at least trying to convince somebody else…

  8. John Says:

    You can find that at a freakshow somewhere in America right now!

  9. Rabbit Says:

    In America, we use tool belt to carry wrench.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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