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Never use bacon in anger

Mosque defaced with bacon. One, that’s a dickheaded thing to do. Two, it’s a waste of bacon.

Via the Duck.

10 Responses to “Never use bacon in anger”

  1. Guav Says:

    I think it’s rather funny the way some people think pork is to Muslims the way holy water is to vampires.

    Muslims don’t freak out or explode when faced with pork products. They just don’t eat the stuff.

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    You’re not even allowed to bring it into some Muslim countries. So some of them obviously freak out about it a little.

  3. Jailer Says:

    Calling the FBI……over bacon. Wow.

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    YEah and I’ve heard stories of wild hogs decimating farms in Iraq because they won’t even kill and haul them off.

  5. Guav Says:

    They ban it because they are Muslim countries and nobody is supposed to be eating it there.

    They’re just not supposed to touch them or eat them, they don’t run screaming for the hills and recoil in horror when they see a pig or smell bacon or anything dramatic haha

    It’d be cool if they did, though.

  6. Josh G Says:

    @Guav “It’d be cool if they did, though.”

    Made my morning, thanks.

  7. Crotalus Says:

    No, they don’t go running for the hills, and they have ceremonies to religiously cleanse themselves if they touch a pork product. But I am reminded of a story about General Pershing in the Philippines in the early 1900s. I don’t know if this is legend, or true, but this is the story: Muslim insurgents were harassing the Army stationed there, and killing soldiers. Pershing rounded up some of them, and prepared to execute them by firing squad. Before he did this, he had his men dip their bullets in the blood and fat of a butchered pig in front of the men to be executed. When the shooting was done, all but one of the insurgents were dead. They turned the one loose, and he reported what happened. Pershing’s men were left alone after this. It seems that the Muslims believe that if they die unclean, they don’t get their 72 virgins. They get their devil, Ibliss. Seems like a good way to terrorize the terrorists!

  8. workinwifdakids Says:

    “Then later on, we thought seriously and we thought, ‘You know, somebody doesn’t like us,'” he said.

    His superpower is blindly stating the obvious.

  9. dave Says:

    “I think it’s rather funny the way some people think pork is to Muslims the way holy water is to vampires.

    Muslims don’t freak out or explode when faced with pork products. They just don’t eat the stuff.”

    I laughed pretty hard at this. How awesome would it be if someone made a movie out of a three-way-war between vampires, werewolves, and muslims where they all fought with silver bullets, bacon, and wooden stakes?

  10. Jeff Says:

    what a warped sense of priorities …

    the proper order should be:

    1) what a waste of bacon

    2) what a horrible waste of bacon

    3) what a terrible waste of bacon

    4) a dickhead thing to do

    1) what a waste of bacon

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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