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Where do I get one?

MSNBC says that the Mexican civil war is fueled by .50 caliber machine guns that you can just walk into a gun shop and buy.

14 Responses to “Where do I get one?”

  1. bluesun Says:

    Say anything with a breathless voice and liberals will believe you. Poor guy sounded like he was about to be shot by American right-wing extremists drugged up on Mexican meth.

  2. Jim Says:

    Maybe he’s talking about that Barrett .50 BMG the guy at Bullseye keeps trying to sell me. I mean,really, that’s cheap only $1000-1500

  3. nk Says:


    We have no TV. My wife has been begging me for a year to enable it (we already have Comcast but only use it for phone and internet.) One more reason not to access those ********.

  4. Link P Says:

    The lies in that clip were so blatant, it pained me to watch it. Unfortunately, bluesun is right. Too many people will believe it simply because they saw it on the news.

    I’m with Uncle. Where’s my cheap, legal .50 caliber machine gun?

  5. Sailorcurt Says:

    And again they miss the irony of their own claims.

    At the very end, the “reporter” boldly asserts that the problems in Mexico are being driven by drug users in the US which creates the demand that drives the criminal market in Mexico.


    Then you would agree that the problem of guns being purchased illegally in the US and smuggled south into Mexico is being driven by the criminal cartels in Mexico which creates the demand for weapons and drives the criminal gun market in the US, correct?

    If that rationale works in one direction, it should work in both. If not…why not?

    The problem is that the Mexican Government fomented and tacitly supported the cartels for years because of its addiction to US dollars that flow to Mexico as a result of the illegal transport of drugs and aliens.

    They didn’t anticipate the consequences of that support and, now that the cartels have become as powerful as, or even possibly more powerful than, the government itself, NOW they’re crying foul and trying to plug the dyke.

    Too little too late. “…for whatever a man sows, that also shall he reap.”

    Mexican society in general and the Mexican government in particular have been sowing corruption for generations. They’re reaping like crazy down there right about now.

  6. John Smith. Says:

    I wanna .50 caliber machine gun too!!!! That news clip was about as informative as congress on the healthcare plan. Also why were they using vague outdated mapping of cartel boundaries??? Unfortunately for the msnbc most of the assault rifles are from either the mexican military deserters or suppliers in asia and middle east…. I hate vague reporting.

  7. Ron W Says:

    But I’m sure they support the current continuation of the open borders policy (migration rights) which would allow Mexican illegal aliens to walk right in across the border and into U.S. gun shops. And I’m sure they would consider it to be racist and discriminatory for the illegal alien drug cartel folk to have to answer the BATF 4473 form where it asks if you’re in the U.S. illegally. They would also probably want to exempt them from producing a photo ID since that would be discriminatory against an “undocumented person”.

  8. Ron W Says:

    But all of this is intentional; allowing our borders to be overrun (violating Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution) and then using it as a pretext to attack the rights of American ciitzens. Our real enemy is in Washington who are giving “aid and comfort” to a foreign enemy–so they can blame American citizens and attack our rights. And BTW, this is “treason” according to Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution.

  9. Guy Opening His Trenchcoat Says:

    Pssstt… Wanna buy a fifty caliber machine gun?

  10. Crotalus Says:

    I don’t know which makes me angrier: the fact that he lies about the weapons, or the little credit he give my intelligence.

    What a douchebag!

  11. dave Says:

    MSNBC has long passed hyperbole and entered the realm of pants-on-head retarded.

  12. Weer'd Beard Says:

    We can also buy Hand Grenades and RPGs, and we don’t even need a background check for them, I guess!

  13. Gunmart Says:

    Media bias? What media bias?

  14. Mu Says:

    The reason you never get to buy the 50 cal machine gun is that you never mark “yes” at the illegal alien question. If you mark yes he pulls out form B, where you assert that you will export the gun within 7 days as part of your voluntary removal proceedings, and wraps if up.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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