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Photography is not a crime


The right of photographers to stand in a public place and take pictures of federal buildings has been upheld by a legal settlement reached in New York.

In the ever-escalating skirmishes between photographers and security agencies, the most significant battlefield is probably the public way — streets, sidewalks, parks and plazas — which has customarily been regarded as a vantage from which photography cannot and should not be barred.

One Response to “Photography is not a crime”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    “…CURRENTLY no general security Regs”? ” A private settlement was reached”? No, this is not good news. All this tells me is that in one location ( New York State) a “Gentleman’s Agreement” was reached. Does NOT have the force of law, has NOT been sent through the courts, and it DOES buy time for some Obama Czar to come up with new Regulations to use against the Citizens in the name of “Homeland Security. Does NOT pass the “Jews in the Attic Test”. If the Government can photograph me when I go Downtown, yet I can’t take pictures back to prove that ‘Yes, your Honor, I have photographic evidence that my rights were violated by that man right there”, it is NOT Freedom.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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