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Re-reading some stuff, it occurs to me I suck at typing and utterly fail to proofread. As you were.

7 Responses to “Shocking”

  1. bluesun Says:

    And yet, here I am…

  2. Chris McBride Says:

    Proofread? Is that when you read blogs while drinking bacon vodka?

  3. BobG Says:

    It gives your posts more character and personality.

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    I’s a Higher School Gladyouate, I’s don’t needs no stinkin’ poofsredder!

  5. Jerry Says:

    I can’t type ‘fer shit. Just this sentance took 5 minutes.

  6. kahr40 Says:

    I sometimes think I should fire my proofreader, but than I’d have to fire me and I need the job.

  7. comatus Says:

    For a guy composing posts on a steamed glass shower door, I thought you were doing pretty well. What’s a misplaced diacritical among really, really close friends, after all?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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