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The people have spoken but they’re stupid so I don’t listen

Wendi C. Thomas writes for the Commercial Squeal. She also has a blog. On that blog, she tells us why she hates and doesn’t read comments posted at the site of the paper she writes for:

Really, I do. I rarely, rarely read them and NEVER on my stories. Why? Because 95 percent of the people who post are losers. OK, I have no way of knowing that. But based on the back-and-forth pissing matches they get into and how far afield they go and how everything descends into race in a matter of seconds, you’ll forgive me if I don’t think highly of the majority of people who use The Commercial Appeal’s comments as their personal port-a-potty.

There’s a saying – if all you have is a hammer, then everything is a nail. For a writer, this basically translates into – don’t be hollering and screaming and moaning about ish all the time, because people get tired of that, so mix it up already. I DELIBERATELY try to do that. I mean, I have a list of things I think I might want to write about, and I look at the mix.

Gee, Wendi, I’m guessing you get so many unpleasant comments because you say so much stupid shit. Just a thought. You know, from a loser.

Via Michael.

4 Responses to “The people have spoken but they’re stupid so I don’t listen”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Reasoned Discourse Lite ™, I’ll allow comments, but I’ll ignore them and berate the people who leave them.


  2. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    “La la la, I’m not listening!”

    What, is she in the 2nd grade?

  3. Linoge Says:

    What, is she in the 2nd grade?

    Mentally, yes. But, more specific, she is simply intolerant – of dissenting opinions, of guns, of whites, of pretty much anything she does not like (and that list appears to be unbounded).

    Once again, I am amused at someone who spews as much hatred as Wendi does bitching and moaning about being on the receiving end a little. Heat, kitchen, etc.

  4. Justthisguy Says:

    I treat the comments on my blog as if they were Usenet; I delete obvious spam, but otherwise it’s Liberty Hall; feel free to yell and scream, or whatever.

    Once every month, or so, I look at my blog, and maybe read comments, and then mostly let them through.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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