Archive for October, 2010

October 21, 2010

You can tell because they didn’t shoot the dog


Three men posing as agents of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives kicked their way into a home in Whistler, killed a 31-year-old man and held four others at gunpoint early Wednesday, Prichard police said.

Home invasions by people disguised as law enforcement seem to happen more and more these days.

Another reason liberty minded folks lose

Some of our supposedly like-minded compatriots are nucking futs. Blowing through a stop sign is a victimless crime, I guess, as long as you’re lucky.

Via Tam.

More TN carry stuff

Stacey Campfield:

Bill Haslam has made a bold statement for gun owner rights by saying he would sign legislation similar to the Arizona legislation if brought to his desk. I had drafted this legislation last year but my Democrat senate sponsor decided he did not want to run it at the last second.

Bacon Vodka

Make your own.

The perfect pocket pistol

I don’t know that such a thing exists. If it fits well in your pocket, it probably doesn’t have enough oomph. If it has enough oomph, it doesn’t fit well in your pocket.

But maybe the Ruger LCP fits?

They only mostly suck


I’ve arrived

I got tweated by the Violence Policy Center. It took a week to notice. But, still, it makes me laugh.

Tactical Crap


I carry a handgun almost everywhere I go. Most times my wife, family and friends never know. I also have cool toys like Rambo knives, shooting gloves, knee and elbow pads, hydration packs and even boots designed for sliding down ropes and kicking in doors. I just don’t wear any of that stuff to the mall.

Honestly, I can’t decide whether tactical means black and expensive or not anymore. And I say that as a guy who owns tactical pens and tactical underwear. From a conversation I had recently, I do think that tactical a lot of times means well-made. And I am seriously thinking about buying tactical socks. Anyone who has bought socks lately can tell you that the quality of most store bought socks sucks.


Cars most likely to get ticketed.

Quote of the Day

Bruce from FB:

In Obama’s defense, it’s not that he’s anti-gay. He’s against the notion of individual rights and personal liberty for anyone.

CNBC v. Remington

The hard-hitting, sensationalist story is a few decades too late. Problem has been fixed.

Asked and answered

Why does liberty lose?

A few reasons. Liberty minded people have shit to do and don’t run for office or show up at rallies. The rest of the country likes its entitlements.

And, honestly, most people are what I jokingly call libertarian-fascists. That is, they think they can do what they want but you should do what they say. After all, they know better and wouldn’t do any of that stupid stuff they want to keep you from doing.

Water is wet, the sky is blue

NAACP thinks people who aren’t democrats are racist.

Tea party may have ties to racists. Which means that, you know, some racists may actually show up at rally or something.

You know, another prominent political party has ties to known racists.

Embody Order

Here. Judge says that sheriff can fill out the form like he chooses (in this case stating the sheriff gave more info) and that is considered executed. The determination for approval, says the judge, lies with ATF.

Who knew?

End of free checking accounts. Why, it’s like, someone said that would happen.

Gun Porn

Cool pics of Ruger Chargers.

Center Balanced System Bullpups

Belt fed upper for AR-15. I guess someone realized that waiting on a Shrike was taking too long.

A fun 22. It is. I’ve shot it.

October 20, 2010

More Separation

On the O’Donnell flap, looks like the fix is in. It fits the narrative mentioned here.

Good question

On permitless carry:

This is simply a bad idea and would put TN HCP holders at a disadvantage in other states. My TN HCP allows me to carry is most other states, without it I could not legally carry outside of TN.

IIRC, Vermont has a permit if you want it for just such a reason. Or you could get an out of state permit.


Sorta right:

“Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?” O’Donnell asked him.

Ok, with you there. It’s actually not in the Constitution. So far, so good. But:

When Coons responded that the First Amendment bars Congress from making laws respecting the establishment of religion, O’Donnell asked: “You’re telling me that’s in the First Amendment?”

Uhm, yes. it is. She later clarified her point was that there is no statement about separation in the constitution. And she’s right.

That fits the narrative. This doesn’t:

Chris Coons can’t name the five freedoms in the First Amendment


Coons named the separation of church and state, but could not identify the others — the freedoms of speech, press, to assemble and petition — and asked that O’Donnell allow the moderators ask the questions.

More TN Goobers and guns

Unnamed Democrat chimes in:

While I am a strong supporter of second amendment rights, I am shocked at Bill Haslam’s lack of common sense and total disregard for public safety. This is irresponsible” said McWherter. “Bill Haslam is willing to put the safety of Tennessee families in jeopardy, and this speaks to the core of his character.

You know, like all that danger folks are in in Alaska, Vermont and Arizona, who have similar laws.

Looks to me like the TFA meeting turned into a sort of threeper love fest. Haslam seemed to handle himself OK, I hear. It’s a tough crowd.

Every time Jeff Woods says gun freaks, it makes me smile.

The rules

Seems the various discussions of the rules take everyone all the way around their butt to get to their elbows. Where they ultimately agree but aren’t happy about it. It’s what gunnies do.

Meanwhile, I’d like to pass along my fifth rule because, maybe, someone will read it one day and it may save their life:

Do not try to catch a dropped gun

Sure, covered by other rules. But worth pointing out.


13 geeky Halloween costumes.

And 15 cool creepy foods for Halloween.

Secure that wifi

Lest your neighbor download child porn and the authorities decided to bust your door down thinking it was you.

Haslam and Guns

Caught wind of this yesterday. At the TFA meeting, Haslam was asked about the requirement of getting a permit in Tennessee to carry a handgun. He answered:

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Haslam told a Nashville meeting of the Tennessee Firearms Association that if lawmakers abolished the handgun-carry permit system and allowed people to go armed without permits, he would sign it into law.

The TFA’s executive director, Nashville lawyer John Harris, confirmed Tuesday night that an audio clip of Haslam’s exchange with TFA members on the issue at a forum Monday night was accurate and that his organization will likely push for repealing the carry-permit soon.

And to think, just a few years ago, he was a member of the most powerful anti-gun lobby in the country. They grow up so fast.

Where guns are banned

Pitchforks will do.

Constitutional Carry in AZ

Leads to training enterprise.

So tempting

Do want.

Pilot stands up to TSA

Good for him. But, honestly, why strip search a pilot for bombs and such? He can already carry a gun if he wanted and, of course, he could just fly the fucking plane into the ground. But he better not have more than 3 ounces of toothpaste or the bureaucracy gets displeased. Idiocy.

Libertarian or Rapper

I laughed at this quiz. Bob Barr is hard.

Ignorance of history

Is sorta required for some political ideologies.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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