Wait, what?
I thought VZHAUNTEYUANDAIJZYRE was a girl’s name?
The right of photographers to stand in a public place and take pictures of federal buildings has been upheld by a legal settlement reached in New York.
In the ever-escalating skirmishes between photographers and security agencies, the most significant battlefield is probably the public way — streets, sidewalks, parks and plazas — which has customarily been regarded as a vantage from which photography cannot and should not be barred.
Alan on the four rules of firearms safety. A sample:
They’re semi-sacred because Saint Cooper delivered them unto us and they’ve been drilled into the heads of shooters in one form or another for decades.
The problem with Rule 1 is that guns ARE unloaded and we all know it.
And he has charts!
Speaking of crap sandwiches
Melissa Clouthier is none too happy with those worthless Libertarians who don’t want to play the game:
Kvetching about the social issues of a Christine O’Donnell while ignoring the economic liberties that Mike Castle would have assuredly stripped had he had his way makes no sense. How on earth can a true Libertarian even worry about such irrelevance?
All I can come up with? It’s just an excuse to not put skin in the game. It’s a hedge so that when the new Congress is, yet again, human, fallible and horrors! political, the libertarians can be smug, superior and say, “I told you so.”
This condescension and this cynicism is worse than useless.
If you are not willing to get in there and make a difference. STFU.
It’s odd to me that someone can, objectively, look back and say that there’s a difference. Or that there will be. The Republicans are not going to fix this. They had their shot to stick to their smaller government principles. And they failed miserably. They made the biggest government ever up to that point. Obama is just continuing that. How is anyone gullible enough to believe that this time it will be different? Honestly.
Sure, we have some of these tea party candidates. And, you know what, I hope they do change things. And if they had a shot at winning here, I’d support them. I wish them luck. But I have my doubts they’ll change anything.
If the choice is between not making a difference and being left with my smug sense of self-importance or not making a difference and no smug sense of self-importance, then it’s not really a choice.
The only reason I ever vote for Republicans is because I like their court picks better.
He lost his case. Seems that marking up the NFA forms is considered executing them.
And he asks Haslam about gun permits.
First, Mike’s chili recipe. It is awesome. And has beans, to annoy the purists.
The opening shot, starring yours truly. I was not 100% certain, from the directions, if I had it together right. And given the amount of pressure from a .50, I wasn’t going to take the chance that I did it wrong and have my head anywhere near the part that goes boom.
Pics and a report from Richard, including a nice fireball.
Les Jones: I learned something about using a Surefire light on a 12 gauge
DHS monitoring social networks. No doubt, lookin’ for terrorists who like posting pictures of what they had for breakfast.
North Carolina wants Amazon’s customer data.
Or, why GOA should be. From the interview:
He objected to gays pushing gun rights just as he would object to “Adulterers for Gun Rights.”
Gun rights for those we approve of.
MSNBC says that the Mexican civil war is fueled by .50 caliber machine guns that you can just walk into a gun shop and buy.
TAMU Students for Concealed Carry:
We did have an incident of someone tearing down our fliers and lighting them on fire in one of the buildings, but they were luckily arrested for attempted arson.
They don’t trust you with guns. I mean, look what you can do with matches.
Glenn’s initial thoughts on the .50.
Les Jones has some stats on the .50 and some pics.
More on the Zel Custom from Glenn.
It was a good time. Thanks to LuckyGunner and to Mike for the location and the ammo. And the chili.
Friday, a group of us local yokels went out to shoot at an event put on by LuckyGunner.com. There was a variety of cool guns and things to try. The one everyone wanted to shoot was the Zel Custom 50. It was fun. First up, I had to assemble it. I noticed a few things about the AR lower though. It had a different hammer. The bolt catch was removed. And the entire buffer assembly was gone, including the catch. It’s also just about one Helen long:
From Lucky Gunner Shoot |
Since I had never assembled one before, it was agreed by everyone but me that I would shoot it first. That way, if it blew up because I did it wrong, then I had no one to blame but me. Richard helped holding the thing in place. Here’s the first shot taken with it (this photo taken by Les):
From Lucky Gunner Shoot |
I put about three down range with it before everyone else wanted to give it a go. I had shot a .50 before in Reno and sorta knew what to expect. First, it’s loud. Really loud. Recoil isn’t really that bad. In fact, I thought slugs out of Dustin’s Mossberg had more felt recoil. But the sound, even when standing well behind it, would rattle your sternum. The other fun toy folks seemed to like was the suppressed 22. Here’s The Doc having a go with it:
From Lucky Gunner Shoot |
It was sorta funny because on one side of the line there was the horrendously loud boom of the 50 going off. And on my other side, the suppressed 22 was going off. And it sounds like a staple gun. Gunnies are extremists.
And muzzle climb is pretty stout on the .50. Here’s Glenn shooting it standing with me doing some fast photography to catch the boom:
From Lucky Gunner Shoot |
From Lucky Gunner Shoot |
From Lucky Gunner Shoot |
Also, this was the first time I got to do a low-light and night shoot:
From Lucky Gunner Shoot |
Everyone should do that. A few notes: lasers help. Crimson Trace laser grips are great for low-light shooting and night shooting. When shooting an AR with a light mounted, I can get off two rounds before the combination of smoke from the gun and the flashlight almost completely blur the target. I learned a lot shooting at night.
It was a good time.
A former middle school teacher in Meridian has pleaded guilty to possession of visual representations of child sex abuse.
That’s the charged leveled against you if you download porn featuring Simpsons characters.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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