Archive for October, 2010

October 14, 2010

Homemade Spacecraft

Father and soon send balloon with camera to space.


Man sustains nosebleed when hit with 22LR fired from a mile away. Remember folks, if it goes up, it has to come down. Unless it’s the debt.

October 13, 2010

Voting our way out of this?

I’ve often told people that, while I hope Billy Beck is wrong, I don’t think he is. RTWT:

Freedom doesn’t even have a place in the prevailing intellectual framework of this country right now, so it’s not terribly surprising that it’s not a value, either. Most people don’t even know what it is, much less how to act for it.

I don’t advocate not voting or not participating because, maybe, this ship can be turned around.

Isn’t that how congress works?

Why ignorant people should never make law

XD with red dot sight

Pretty neat

Judge Blocks DADT

Gay rights championed by Republicans. Obama Justice Department to appeal.

I didn’t know there was much more room under that bus.

Greatest Correction Ever

Heh: This blog post originally stated that one in three black men who have sex with me is HIV positive. In fact, the statistic applies to black men who have sex with men.

They should do their own taxes too

A read the bill rule for congress. The fact this is even an issue is pathetic. Via Glenn.

Gun Porn

Northcoast Blog meet pics

I know that guy.

Awesome pic

Words that are fun to say: Chiappa

Turn it up


Follow up: Deborah Halvorson’s GOA grade


They list candidate votes on their site. She voted against them 7 out of 7 times, including on the national parks gun ban.

Internet shows “clear link” between “lack of brain power” and lefty talking points

With the election coming up, the anti-gun astroturfers are getting on message. Media Matters, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, and The Brady Campaign are all on the same talking point. NRA = militia = violence. Even though it’s not happening.


I wouldn’t try it but watching a bullet spin in ice is pretty neat.

The Gun

A book about the AK-47. NPR piece here.

Gun at an airport

Man forgets gun in bag. No charges filed. Wait, what?

In case it comes up

Southern Fried Science: How to brew beer in a coffee maker, using only materials commonly found on a modestly sized oceanographic research vessel.

October 12, 2010

Major News: Breaking News

Once again, a new Taco Bell is opening in The City (My The City).

For the record, I don’t like Taco Bell. Just think it’s funny that that is the top story at the local newspaper.

At the Washington Post

Not showing a cartoon that doesn’t show Muhammad.

I laughed

You know, the band is OK but the name Five Finger Death Punch is one of the greatest band names ever. Seriously, it ranks up there with Kathleen Turner Overdrive.


NRA gets a lot of grief because the R doesn’t stand for Republican. But they’re grading system is at least understood. Unlike GOA’s, who knock someone down four letter grades in a year.

Mental Health

And the burden of proof.

Zel Custom 50: A couple of pics

Mentioned the Tactilite 50 showed up the other day. Here’s a pic:

From Gun Porn

And it fits in a case:

From Gun Porn

Google TV

Looks pretty cool. And my droid can be the remote.

Pocket Guns

I dunno. I don’t think I would carry a cocked and locked 1911 in my pocket. And if I don’t carry it cocked and locked, then why carry a 1911?


You know, people tell me all the time that Islam is trying to take over western culture. And, you know, I usually have a laugh about it and don’t pay it much mind. But then I see a Muslim policeman doesn’t have to protect Jews and that a school district, despite a wall of separation, is set to observe Muslim holidays and I start to wonder.

Gun Porn

The meeting room

AK-47 slingshot. Sure, why not?

Jessica Simpson firing a twin 50

Pics from a blogger shoot

The militia scare

When covered by the press: But it’s awfully clever to drop in that “who respond with lethal force to routine encounters with the law” along the way, and to follow it with “for example” when you don’t have any.

Today’s Idiot

A colossal case of teh stoopid:

The license tax is equal to one-half percent of gross receipts from sales to consumers in the city. The state does not allow telephone companies to pass the tax on to consumers, Stromberg said.

Uh uh. I’m sure the phone company just takes a hit on its revenue. Idiot.

Crazy Vegetarians

Slicing their cheeks open so they they can put stuff through them. With pics, so careful.

October 11, 2010

What’s that?

Went to Coal Creek Armory to pick up the Zel Custom 50 caliber. Interesting chatter ensued as Gun Smith Bob and JP tried to figure out exactly what the hell it was. And how it worked.

For those that don’t know, Zel Custom makes a bolt-action 50 caliber upper for your AR-15. Interesting conversation also ensued, since they sent me the upper and lower, watching the guys figure out the paperwork. After all, is the gun a bolt action (upper) or semi-auto (lower)? And is it .50 caliber since that’s what the upper shoots? Or a 5.56 since that’s what the lower says?

Aren’t gun laws grand?

Gun Bans

At a Tea Party event? I can understand not wanting someone to strap on their AR-15 and walk around. But prohibiting lawful concealed carry doesn’t sound very, err, Tea Partyish.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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