Archive for October, 2010

October 11, 2010

Another Wisconsin Lawsuit

Wisconsin Radio Network:

Another lawsuit from an open carry advocacy group. Wisconsin Carry, Incorporated, which recently filed a Federal lawsuit against the City of Madison and Madison Police Chief Noble Wray in connection with an incident involving five of its members exercising their open-carry rights at a Culvers restaurant, has also filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of a woman who brought her gun into a Brookfield church in July.

In that incident, a churchgoer’s call to the police department’s non-emergency number to inquire about the legality of open carry ended with officers drawing their weapons on the woman in the church parking lot, searching her and her car, and issuing a citation for illegally transporting a firearm. The lawsuit claims that’s not an arrestable offense in Wisconsin.

Carry Purse

The Holster Site shows off their custom carry purse.

NRA and the Tennessee Goober Race

The NRA has given Bill Haslam a B- and unnamed Democrat a C-. NRA is not endorsing either candidate.

Ugly Guns

A contest

Weapons Control System

A reader emails:

I am one of your loyal readers and I was blown away when I went to the local branch of my credit union; they installed a “Weapons Control System”! I was completely and utterly shocked! I wrote the CEO of the Credit Union a letter stating my dissatisfaction with the installment of the system, but I don’t think an article for your readers about this kind of thing would hurt. I took pictures of the sign and the “weapons control system” in hopes that I could share it with my favorite blogs and they could show readers what is happening across our great country.

The pics:

From Misc
From Misc

I am told this is the Coral Gables location, across from University of Miami.

Update: More here.


Looks like NRA took on the citibank issue a bit back. Only we didn’t know about it, since they didn’t put anything out about it. Which is kinda strange.


David Hardy has an interesting observation.

And they wonder why we don’t take them seriously

Jerry Brown gets the NOW endorsement right after calling opponent a whore.


Bryan Miller is kinda going insane.

Stuff I didn’t know

There were no semi-auto produced pistols before 1892

Gun Porn

anti-tank rifle


Ferraglio 12-gauge engraved by Bregoli.

Red dot range time

7 barreled muzzleloader.

Exhuming McCarthy

Looks like she’s getting a run from her opponent.

Laws of North Carolina that need to change, Part 3

No guns in restaurants

Every year

Woman shoots self.

ETA: Boy, talk about being scooped.

Zip gun

Made from a stapler.

Self Defense

It’s a mentality.

October 10, 2010


I forget. Do we celebrate 10/10 by punching hippies or commies?

October 08, 2010

CNBC on Remington

CNBC Investigates. Looks like your typical journalism hit piece teaser to me.

I, spam

Apparently, some thing in wordpress thinks I am spam. I’ve left a few comments at other blogs and none of them show. And they’re all wordpress blogs. Oh well.

Quote of the Day


And thus the conservative/libertarian ideology. When you recognize that everyone has a tendency to evil, you resist the notion of concentrated coercive power for any group. When you think only the other guy is evil, it becomes your mandate to have all of the coercive power for your group only.

I’ve heard this tune before

President exaggerating a terrorist threat for political gain.

What once was valued

During the assault weapons ban, I was much more inclined to clean and maintain my AR mags. If one malfunctioned, I would try to determine the problem. And would even bend the feedlips some with a pair of pliers and that usually worked. Or any other various fixes, like replacing follower and springs. But that was back when they were expensive and not necessarily reliable when you found one, since they were all used and probably beat up. Now that you can get good magazines for $10 each, I’m more inclined to toss a finicky magazine in the bottom of the ammo vault and forget about it.

Magazines are disposable again.

Handgun Revocation Appeal Dropped

Leonard Embody has dropped his appeal so that his lawsuit can go forward.

Of course they do

The ABA supports microstamping law. Why wouldn’t they? Bad law increases opportunity for legal fees.

Who dies?


Statistically, 25 of the 81 “gun deaths” per day, just over 30%, are white men over 40. Nearly 1/3rd of all people who die due to gunfire are white men over 40 who commit suicide.

Citibank anti-gun – again

Couple years back, I cancelled a credit card I had with Citi for 17 years over their anti-gun policies. Now, they’re at it again:

A letter, dated September 30, 2010, was received October 4. It confirmed that the “account was opened in error . . .” going on to say, “Our policy restricts us from lending to businesses in your industry.” Oddly, a disclaimer appears at the base of the letter, saying that federal law prohibits discrimination in lending “on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age; because all or part of the applicant’s income derives from any public assistance program . . .” The letter was from Home Depot Credit Services, Citibank (South Dakota), N.A., Creditor.

Warne Scope Mounts makes scope mounts and associated hardware. They don’t make firearms, ammunition, magazines, barrels, bolts, sling swivels, springs or anything else. Founded in 1991, Warne employs approximately 50 people who are involved in manufacture and shipping of the several hundred thousand mount sets that are sold per year. A considerable part of their business is OEM for many of the top industry rifle and scope companies.

On the TeeVee

Mr. C. that is.

Can we have our bug back?

Man finds tracking device on his car. Removes it, takes pics of it and shows it to his facebook friends. FBI shows up wanting their toy back. All without a warrant.

Personally, I would have had more fun with the gizmo.

Hope and change


Mr. Barone says the historical parallel might no longer be 1994, when the GOP gained 54 House seats, but instead 1894, when Republicans gained more than 100 House seats in the middle of the economic downturn that engulfed Democratic President Grover Cleveland.

And classy:

A Republican majority in Congress would mean “hand-to-hand combat” on Capitol Hill for the next two years, threatening policies Democrats have enacted to stabilize the economy, President Obama warned Wednesday.

How it works

American People Hire High-Powered Lobbyist To Push Interests In Congress

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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