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A little sad

To see Feingold go. He was the only senator to vote against the PATRIOT Act and advised congress to have a nice big cup of cool your shit juice instead of passing a law enforcement wish list. He was good on guns and asked good questions during judge confirmations. Of course, he also had that horrendous incumbent protection act err campaign finance bill with his name on it.

4 Responses to “A little sad”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    And McLame got re-elected. Not that his opponent would be any better.

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsome Lt. Gov – the greasy sleazy cokehead scion of the Getty Oil Judge, wherever he goes the fix is in. We’re doomed.

  3. M Gallo Says:

    Are you serious? He only voted against the Dems when he wasn’t a deciding vote. He was a lying, cynical piece of shit and I’ve been trying my entire adult life to get him replaced as my Senator. I’ll give you a pass because you haven’t had to deal with him directly.

  4. Scott M Says:

    I was okay with him for the most part until he voted for the bailouts, apparently I wasn’t alone. Kohl’s next.

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