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Now what?

Ban earmarks. Good start.

What spending to cut?

10 Responses to “Now what?”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Why pick something to cut? Several percent across the board would work for everybody even DoD.

  2. ExurbanKevin Says:

    Get Jeff Flake on the Appropriations Commitee!

  3. Nylarthotep Says:

    What spending to cut? How about funding for NPR?

  4. Gunmart Says:

    Sadly, earmarks are only about 1% of the budget… there is about 5% of discretionary spending, and the rest is military, social security, medicare, and interest on the debt.

    “Now what” indeed.

  5. dustydog Says:

    Cato, Heritage, and several other think tanks have been publishing a glaring logical mistake in the past few days – cutting somebody’s tax break isn’t cutting spending, it is raising taxes.

    For medicare and medicaid, it isn’t hard to get them in the black: eliminate medical procedures that cost $5000 or more, if the patient is not expected to live for more than one month and the procedure will not extend life by at least one week. Cut drugs and procedures that cost $50,000 or more if the benefit isn’t at least one month.

  6. Gunmart Says:

    eliminate medical procedures that cost $5000 or more, if the patient is not expected to live for more than one month and the procedure will not extend life by at least one week. Cut drugs and procedures that cost $50,000 or more if the benefit isn’t at least one month.

    Death panels

  7. Jay Says:

    If they want those drugs they can buy them. It’s not like this is Canada, where it’s illegal for a doctor to be in private practice.

  8. Diomed Says:

    Cut spending? Good luck with that. They’ll kill a couple fringe wastes of money with great fanfare, call themselves hardcore budget slashers, and the rest of the gravy train will continue apace further into bankruptcy.

    The more things change…

  9. Skip Says:

    Lessee, Depts. of Energy, Education, Homeland Security,Interior, etc,etc.
    If we need to watch over something, let the states do it.

  10. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    I think Diomed and Gunmart purty much nailed it. The “cut spending” rhetoric sure sells well at the polls when the GOP isn’t in command of either the House or Senate nor the Exec branch…but in practice it’s a little tougher.

    I remember watching the returns Tues night and seeing admittedly lefty journalist on TV asking a TP candidate essentially that question:

    “Would you cut DOD or Medicare?”


    “Ok. That leaves about 8% of the Fed budget that’s discretionary. What would you cut, and how much? Would it even amount to a fraction of one percent?”

    “Uhhhh….well we have to cut spending”.

    It was pathetic.

    The GOP rhetoric and the reality are so far apart it’s sad. I’m no fan of Barry Obammy and his Chicago crew and voted a straight Libertarian ticket myself this time around…but at least with the Dems they tell ya straight up–we’re going to spend the shyte out of your tax dollars because the govt needs to pay for stuff.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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