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But I thought the machine guns and explosives came from US gun shows?

That’s what the press tells me:

Federal agents seized five pounds of C-4 military explosives from the Colorado home of a man accused with a Navy SEAL and a Las Vegas associate of smuggling machine guns from Iraq into the U.S. for sale and shipment to Mexico, authorities said Thursday.

4 Responses to “But I thought the machine guns and explosives came from US gun shows?”

  1. Ron W Says:

    The gubmint’s gotta go after the real enemy; American gunowners being foremost among them. Meanwhile, the borders are to be left undefended and parts of Arizona are under OCCUPATION–with Federal signs warning Arizonans and other Americans to KEEP OUT of OCCUPIED TERRITORY!!!!

    Another enemy is the State of Arizona which is causing those who our government allows to invade to be fearful of their illegal status and retreat “into the shadows”.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Something tells me that there are going to be Customs Agents at North Island N.A.S. Cali. and Norfolk Va. N.A.S. real soon to be searching arriving Seal Teams. The Anoited One hates it when he’s embarrassed by the Pentagon.

  3. Ron W Says:

    “The Anointed One” is in India surrounded by guns. If he don’t like guns…let him get rid of his hired guns.

  4. Lyle Says:

    I can’t help being suspicious about this story. Natural skepticism, maybe, but it’s the sort of thing the Left would engineer on a regular basis if they were smart.

    It’s as if made-to-order from the anti gunners. It has firearms import issues, military personnel going wild, it has “machineguns”, Mexicans, and explosives all tied up in one pretty birthday present.

    The conclusion, of course, will be that we all have too much liberty.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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