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Isn’t that, you know, the president’s job?

The president needs a COO?

7 Responses to “Isn’t that, you know, the president’s job?”

  1. SPQR Says:

    That’s what happens when you elect someone with less experience in the executive branch than Sarah Palin.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    It WOULD be a nice way for the Democrats to bypass those pesky Elections. Elect a President…but just have him make speeches, and sign all the bills without question that cross his desk, because the REAL head of the executive Branch knows whats good for everybody…

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Actually, if anyone in DC followed the Constitution, they would find that the Vice-President should be much more hands on than he is. John Adams (Washington’s Veep) used to complain about how boring it was to be in the Senate Chambers, but he felt it was necessary so that the Executive could stop any foolishness from affecting the People. Also, if the idiots would be doing their job, the Veep should be looking inward and make sure the day to day functioning of the Government is working, while the President looks outward for any trouble ahead. Think of the roles of a Navy Captain and his Executive Officer, and you’ll see how it’s supposed to work. Also, the Cabinet is supposed to be running the various aspects of the Executive Branch, not a bunch of Czars. So this notion of a COO is more bureaucratic bull to excuse poor Barry’s lack of performance and his miserable work ethic. Mr. “I need a vacation every 2 weeks” Obama need to get his ass back to the White House, sit at his desk, and DO HIS FRACKIN’ JOB!

  4. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Well, considering what he thinks his job is, I’d mostly rather have him on vacation.

  5. ATLien Says:

    Someone needs to smack Kerrey upside his damn head.

  6. JKB Says:

    Yes, if only there were a board or Cabinet of people selected by the President and confirmed by the Senate who had legislatively enacted powers and responsibilities to oversee the various departments of government. Men and women who served at the pleasure of the President, who were expected to manage the areas of government that Congress aligned under their department.

    Maybe, in honor of the President’s home town, we could call it the Outfit?

  7. Rivrdog Says:

    Bottom line, it will make the Presidency more remote from public inspection. That inspection is usually done by the Congress (when it actually wants to perform that duty, not often enough).

    A good example of the Imperial Presidency happened today, with Robert Gibbs ordering the Indian Government around as to THEIR arrangements for press coverage of some conference or other.

    A COO would simply normalize this sort of gangster behavior.

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