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Poker Raid

Shoot out after police raid a low stakes home poker game.

4 Responses to “Poker Raid”

  1. Nerd Says:

    I live close to this, and a friends mother lives next door to this. I think it’s ridicules. Several years ago, the state government ran a campaign, and got all the churches in the state to get on board with banning video poker. Completely shut down 4 major vending machine companies in the state out of business – Collins Entertainment being the biggest. LOTS of jobs were lost. Then what did the state do just months after “banning” video poker? Enter the state “Educational” lottery. Gag… There’s several “poker houses” all over the state, and I know for a fact that many of them are frequented by members of various law enforcement agencies… Take what you will from this…

  2. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Mall ninjascops got themselves some new tacticool SWAT toys thanks to the taxpayers, and had to try them out on, well, some taxpayers.

  3. Gunmart Says:

    Actually they found $5,000 cash, video poker machines (illegal is SC), and a sizable amount of cocaine.

    The old guy was the only one that got any real charges…. everyone else got a $100 ticket for gambling.

    Its interesting to note that the South Carolina Supreme Court recently ruled that it is legal to play cash poker games… It was decided that poker was a game of skill and not a game of chance so it was legal as long as “the house” does not take a cut (Only betting on games of chance is illegal in SC).

  4. Nylarthotep Says:

    3.7 grams is “sizeable?”

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