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“It is not completely clear from the police report why Christina punched TSA agent”

Uhm, yes it is. Free people don’t like to be herded and treated like criminals.

If anyone sets one up, I pledge $100 to his legal defense.

23 Responses to ““It is not completely clear from the police report why Christina punched TSA agent””

  1. Tam Says:

    There was an audible cheer at Roseholme Cottage this morning when the newscaster announced that a TSA agent had been punched.

    It’s a good start. If you grab a stranger’s crotchal area, you should expect to get decked.

  2. Rustmiester Says:

    One of the biggest problems, I think, is that TSA agents are little more than federal rent-a-cops, with all the negative connotations that go along with it.

    They’ve never been in a position where discretion and professionalism are truly needed, and it’s showing.

    Add to that the fact that federal agents can’t be sued for “doing their job” and you have a recipe for disaster. That “agent” probably cracked a joke, and took a punch for his attempt at humor.

    Apologies to any rent-a-cop or TSA agent that isn’t permanently stuck in adolescence with a double-digit IQ. I wasn’t talking about you.

  3. Jake Says:

    Not as good as I’d hoped. I was expecting at least a bloody nose, but it was just a punch to the chest that he then tried to pass off as a joke.

    I’m still expecting someone to go librarian-poo after watching his 3 year old get patted down fondled.

  4. Tango Says:

    Anybody else see a resemblance between TSA agents and ‘V For Vendetta’ and their Fingermen?

  5. Bryan S. Says:

    Jake, was that an orangutan reference? 😀

  6. Jake Says:

    Jake, was that an orangutan reference? 😀

    Terry Pratchett rules. 😀

    Seriously, anyone who forges the sword for his own knighting ceremony, and goes out of his way to specifically use meteoric iron in doing so, is the embodiment of teh awesomeness.

  7. Jake Says:

    Oops, hit submit too soon. Make that “anyone who personally forges the sword for his own knighting ceremony”

  8. breda Says:

    Librarian poo?

  9. Ellen Says:

    That’s all you would need — TSA squeezing your colostomy bag.

  10. Jack Says:

    But it also shows how insane the UK has become, since Pratchett had to later hide his sword to keep it from being taken by the cops.

  11. Rob K Says:

    I would contribute some cash to a “TSA Agent Puncher’s Legal Defense Fund” if there were one around.

  12. mike w. Says:

    If you push people hard enough they start pushing back. Imagine that!

  13. Gunmart Says:

    Here is a TSA photo for ya:

  14. Kristopher Says:

    Punch, my ass. He pushed the TSA-tard away from him after he did something to violate his personal space.

    This agency needs to be deleted.

    Allow airlines to decline passengers without fear of lawsuits from “protected” classes, and make them fully responsible for any damages caused by failing to run proper background checks on passengers.

  15. dustydog Says:

    Making flying the way it should be – only for the rich. Congressmen don’t walk though screening, and neither do their hangers-on. Rich people fly private.

  16. Justthisguy Says:

    Kin ah say the words “Dangerous Mohammedan Lunatic” on this blog? (I was going to say something even more offensive, and, yes, racist, but decided not to do so.)

  17. Justthisguy Says:

    Whoops! I think I may have commented on the wrong post, yet again.

  18. Simsburger Says:


    Simsbury representin’!

    (Odd that I read news of a resident of my town in a TN blog…)

  19. theirritablearchitect Says:

    This is the only way to deal with these cretins.

    Unfortunately, it’s going to take more than one or two occasional knock-outs to get the message across to the idiots in the Gummint that we are not to be trifled with.

    This sort of in-your-face non-compliance needs to a daily occurance across the entire country, at every airport, until this shit stops.

    Make the TSA goons fear for their very lives.

    Then threaten their superiors.

  20. Simsburger Says:

    From the Hartford Courant (Major daily for area including Simsbury)

    “The incident is similar to many others that have happened throughout the country in backlash to the so-called intrusive security screenings.”

    So called? How bad would it have to be before the Courant would simply describe the screenings as merely intrusive, dropping the qualifying “so-called”?,0,6469697.story

  21. TJP Says:


    Danny Beers does not work for the Courant.

  22. azygos Says:

    I would you do exactly as I am required to do when seeing patients. I have to wash my hands between every patient. Ask the TSA moron Did you remove your gloves and wash your hands? If they did not refuse the pat-down until they do. Its just not sanitary not too and it will bring another level of civil disobedience to the situation.

  23. azygos Says:

    Oh, And don’t settle for “I used hand sanitizer” That is only good for to patient then the third patient you must wash your hand again.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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