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NRA Annual Meeting to be held in Nashville

In 2015:

The National Rifle Association is coming to Nashville in May 2015 in what is expected to be the largest single convention this city has ever hosted, Mayor Karl Dean announced today.


Via Jacob.

8 Responses to “NRA Annual Meeting to be held in Nashville”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    I’m officially opening the contest for billboard artwork that notifies attendees about Randy Rayburn’s restaurants.

    He’s said he would love the NRA’s business, but will have anyone who carries in his restaurants arrested.

  2. John Richardson Says:

    Cool. 5 hour drive and I’m there! Bet this NRA Annual Meeting will have really great music!

  3. Rustmiester Says:

    There’s one I can make!

  4. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Great, now I have to buy a white suit and a black string tie . . . and lose my shoes.

  5. Ron W Says:

    Mayor Dean is mostly anti-gun rights, but I guess he’ll take the extra money a big convention brings to the city.

  6. Linoge Says:

    Huh. One I might actually be able to attend.

  7. terd furguson Says:

    “Mayor Dean is mostly anti-gun rights”

    what has he done that makes you think he’s an anti?
    not being hostile, just wondering cause i cant think of anything anti hes done as mayor.

  8. Sebastian Says:

    I’ll be driving, thanks to TSA! But great news. Hopefully we’ll have constitutional carry in TN by then.

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