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We’re Winning

Les Jones on the local paper’s coverage of a home defense shooting:

Didja catch that? The paper didn’t portray the Franklin family’s gun as something weird or scary or foreign. They called it a “household .357 revolver.”


4 Responses to “We’re Winning”

  1. Oscar Says:


    I’m surprised they didn’t call it a “high-powered assault revolver” or some such.

  2. mikee Says:

    My household revolver is just that – the one that stays in the house, loaded and ready for use. Sort of like the household fire extinguisher in the kitchen pantry, the household lawn mower in the shed out back, and the household coffee table in front of the sofa.

    The household shotgun: ditto.

    The household fun guns (milsurp, hunting rifles, 22s) stay unloaded and in the safe except when taken out for some fun shooting.

  3. Les Jones Says:

    I liked Kim du Toit’s description of a revolver. It’s like a hammer. You get it out of the drawer. You use it. It works. You put it back in the drawer.

  4. MJM Says:

    That’s good ole South Knoxville–“household revolver” like “household dog”: warm, lovable, loyal, there when you need him.

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